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Final Fall Fling #7

jim snyder

The Final Fall Fling #7 rally will be held again this year in the South Central Region in Clinton Arkansas on September 25th thru the 28th.
(The 25th will be a travel/arrival day) Actual rally days will on the 26th & 27th and check out on the 28th. The rally hotel will be the Super 8
by Wyndham in Clinton, AR. Address is 2008 Hwy 65 S in Clinton. The hotel phone number is 501-745-8810 (this is the front desk number,
DO NOT call the reservation line) and be sure you tell them you are with COG. Best time to call is M - F 7am to 3pm and ask for Laurie.
Special rate is $75/night for double queen. I have tenatively blocked off 8 rooms. There is plenty of room for trailer parking in the rear of
the hotel. More information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the event. I will notify everyone when registration is open. Hope to see
everyone there in September !! For information you can contact Jim Snyder or Ted Adcock.
Dang, Sept is not really Fall in Texas. Last year riding back from Clinton I was baked like a potato. Wish it could have been pushed back a few weeks.

Dang, Sept is not really Fall in Texas. Last year riding back from Clinton I was baked like a potato. Wish it could have been pushed back a few weeks.

I was thinking the same thing. This is all Teds fault. Send Ted a message and tell him we need to wait till October.
Ok,, Quit yer bitchin'.

The date ya go home from this FFF is 3 days before October.
** Soooooo, If'n ya really want to ride home in October, ya can stay 3 more days. {and ride those awful Arkansas Twisties}
{Glad I kud solve that little issue for ya}.

The "X"planation;

We "I" made a group decision (after Marty and Jim's sed I kud).

We "I" picked those days bekuz, it's rainier in October and sometimes cold. ie; At one FFF it wuz 36*.

Additionally; We "I" know that some of the participants that attend the FFF come down from up North.
ie; On some of the previous FFF Extravaganza's those {"Poor" mistreated souls} were snowbound and couldn't come.
Ohhhhhh, the pain!!
So, {being a Really nice guy) We "I" thought of them and moved it up a bit.

Anddddd: One of our members (whose name I won't mention) officiates at football games and {being a nice guy} We "I" thought September might work out better for his schedule.

Andddddddddddddddddd: Marty needed a decision and there wasn't one.
Jim was hiding (err working) and hadn't made the decision yet.
So, We "I" picked one.

Lastly; {We "I" tossed a coin}

Ride safe,

PS: After all of thu deep thinkin', I called and asked Jim about the date, and "HE" sed that date wuz ok.
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Ok, I hear ya. Lord knows its not "all about me". I am one of the few who actually ride to this event vs trailering. End of Sept tends to be some of the hottest temps in these parts and riding home in the upper 90's for many hours is not too pleasant. Will make the call if I can attend at some point later on in the year.

Jim (the great FFF Pubahhh) "may" decide to change the dates.
After all, he's the Boss, and I'm just the slave labor.

If'n he does. I'll let "him" give Marty the good news.

Ride safe, Ted
I posted a question in the upcoming events page asking if everyone would like to change the ride to October instead of September. Give me your thoughts.