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State of the Southwest-2020


COG Southwest Area Director
Hello Fellow Cogger's!  I sent this out to our Assistant Area Directors and I thought all of our Southwest members would like to see what I would like to see happening in the Southwest this year!

I hope you all had a great riding season and spent time with family and friends during the holidays in 2019. I look forward to being your Area Director for another year and think this could be one of the best year’s yet for the Southwest!!

Here are some of the goals that I would like to achieve this year with of course your unending volunteer support!

• I would like to continue the Meet and Greets that we have had the last couple of years as annual events like the Springerville, Veterans’s Day and Sierra Sampler rallies! Great job by Dan C., Mark, Keith, Dan B. and all involved in making these M & G’s fun!

• I would like to have a Meet and Greet in all of our states this year except Hawaii (though that would be cool to do!) So I it would be great to have at least one Meet and Greet in the following states!  Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada. I know Terry has something up his sleeve for Utah, but how about the other states! It could be an organized ride, an overnighter or a Friday- Sunday bash! I would like to ride in all of them!

• Think it would be fun to have a monthly or bimonthly lunch or dinner in an area to get more riders involved and get excited to do rides in our areas! I need to do this in Southern California. Already going on in Northern California.

• Grow our full time COG membership by involving more Forum members to become Active Full time Members.

• Who’s going to the National Rally in Vancouver Washington this year in June? I would love to see a big turn out from our area to support the Northwest! Make plans now!!

• Finally I would like to get a grass roots team together to explore a city/town to have a National Rally at in the future. Where we pick a city/town and make some inquires on hotels, meeting areas, restaurants, things to do, and great roads for a National Rally in the Southwest area! The National Rally we had in Cortez in 2015 was awesome! Let’s do it again sometime soon!

Please chime in with any suggestions and ways to make our area the place where everyone wants to come!  I will support and help you in any way possible legally or not. :)  Please send or call me with anything that you are doing in your area. I have to put together information that is coming up in the Spring and Summer in our area for the Concourier by February 15th.  Please send me your ideas and/or what’s going on in your area of the Southwest by February 10th. Thank you for all you are doing in your area. I appreciate every one of you! I look forward to another awesome riding year!

Thank you,

Russ Saunders
Southwest Area Director

Email- russ.saunders@cox.net

sounds like a good plan,  i know i have to get busy here in new mexico.
I'll start planning and posting and see if people show up. last couple years were too busy and missed out on a lot.

not making the rally this year. we will actually be up in Seattle and going down to brookings, OR.
Taking the in laws for their 50th anniversary.  that's a fight i would lose with my wife :)

planning to do the death valley ride and of course springerville.

Awesome Ted!! I know when we do the Devil's Highway loop we are in New Mexico for awhile. I love New Mexico and I would like to ride more often there! Especially around the Santa Fe area. I know you did that Black Range run not to long ago. I would like to ride that one too! Thank you for your support and I will see you when we participate in the Death Valley ride in April! If we did a National Rally in New Mexico where would you suggest it be? 

:motonoises:  :motonoises:  :great:
This is awesome to see, and thanks for all of the the work you and your ADs have done to get SW folks out riding together.

I'm happy to organize a 2nd Annual Sierra Sampler. I was happy with the turnout and those roads are just too much fun. Not sure how far ahead to start planning and get on the calendar, but July or August time frame might be ideal to avoid overlapping with Nationals and to be sure the passes are open.

As far as area lunches/dinners: Is there anyway to do outreach to COG or forum member by region? I'm happy to host a lunch in Santa Cruz or do a day run down to Big Sur, but it would be nice if there was a way to get some read from folks who are supposedly in this area.

For the Nationals, I'm planning to ride up that weekend. I was thinking about taking an eastern track through Klamath Falls, and then hitting the coastal route on my return, but could be convinced otherwise.
SantaCruzRider said:
As far as area lunches/dinners: Is there anyway to do outreach to COG or forum member by region?

Not any easy way, but I know Keith has built an email distribution for the SW. See if there is some easy way for him to share it, if nothing else send him the info and he can blast it out.
Rusty said:
Awesome Ted!! I know when we do the Devil's Highway loop we are in New Mexico for awhile. I love New Mexico and I would like to ride more often there! Especially around the Santa Fe area. I know you did that Black Range run not to long ago. I would like to ride that one too! Thank you for your support and I will see you when we participate in the Death Valley ride in April! If we did a National Rally in New Mexico where would you suggest it be?

:motonoises:  :motonoises:  :great:

oh man....  :)) :)) :))


Imagine... a rally there.... wait... i can see it now......


:great: :great: :great: :great: :great: :great: