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2014 National SE Mentor Program & SE RTE(s)



I've kinda of, sort of, volunteered to head up the SE Mentor program at the 2014 Nationals. So, I'm needing volunteers from the SE membership to be a mentor. Either PM me on this site or send an email to motocommuter@gmail.com. Let me know if your staying in a hotel or camping, if your a single rider or a couple and what state your from as we are trying to match up everyone based on these items. I'm thinking we have a team of SE mentors, match up newbies with mentors but also have others that the newbies could reach out to, such as the various AADs.

Also, thinking about have a couple SE RTEs during the Nationals. This would allow us to split up into small groups, as usual, ride and then meet at a location, socialize and then ride some more. The RTE will allow the newbies to ride with their mentor (and others)  and then meet others from the SE for lunch. So, I'm looking for some restaurants recommendations in the area that we could use for our RTE format.

One of the hardest parts about the Nationals when you are a newbie is trying to find others to ride with. So, if you SE members have any suggestions on how we can post who is riding where, it would be appreciated.

Also, if your a newbie or mentor, you need to respond to Greg and Tracey, in the "Rallies, Rides, and Events" section under the thread "2014 National Rally - Volunteering to Help", but also let me know so we can all stay on the same page.

