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Registration for the September 2018, 23nd ANNUAL SPIDER RIDE is open on the NORTH CENTRAL CALENDAR.

The event will again be held at Huzzah Valley Resort, Steelville, MO.    (www.huzzahvalley.com) or call (1-800-367-4516).
Tent camping is $12 per night or you can reserve in advance in one of their cabins for an additional charge.  Tent campers pay when you arrive.  Restrooms and coin operated hot showers are close by.

Registration is $40 for members, $50 for non-members and will include breakfast Friday, Saturday and Sunday and dinner on Friday and Saturday.  Friday dinner will be burgers and brats and Saturday will be a whole hog roast with sides and a dessert.

Here is the link: 

Official dates will be September 14-16th, but everyone knows many will arrive Thursday the 13th.  Thursday dinner is on you.  We usually have dinner in Steelville at the Spare Rib Inn or Missouri Hick BBQ.

Great roads, great people, great food.  It doesn't get any better.  I'm expecting another big group this year.  Get yourself registered and tell your friends!
I just saw this....  I have it down in pencil due to work schedule, but I hope to make it back this year!
Jorge went on the Spider Ride several years ago and had a blast.  I never had the chance.  It's on my bucket list.  Once I retire, I plan on going!

i went once, years ago at alley springs park,  ill try to make it. september october is petty full with the wolf and barber.  my anniversary and the wifes birthday but im gonna try, i never get a good read on time off for stuff till maybe the week of. and sometimes not then. but i plan on being there maybe as a walk in but im gonna try.