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2025 new mexico national [Roadrunner article]

Crap ....got to find a copy of Roadrunner to see my number. Not sure if I have one with a label.

I Know I am heading up the backside od Sandia Crest through Madrid and up past the prison through Santa Fe then up through Pilar and on to Taos. Been that way on a bicycle.....Cinnamon Rolls at Pilar were REAALY good. Rancho de Taos and Taos were nice stop s....If I can work out the time off and get out t got routes.
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Crap ....got to find a copy of Roadrunner to see my number. Not sure if I have one with a label.

I Know I am heading up the backside od Sandia Crest through Madrid and up past the prison through Santa Fe then up through Pilar and on to Taos. Been that way on a bicycle.....Cinnamon Rolls at Pilar were REAALY good. Rancho de Taos and Taos were nice stop s....If I can work out the time off and get out t got routes.
Speaking of.great cinnamon rolls, best I've ever had were at starv Marvin's in Montrose colorado. I kid u not it was big as a dinner plate. And they came with the breakfast plates...
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