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20th Annual IBMWR Rally at Tybee Island GA is ON


This had drawn a few COGgers over the years. This is a motel rally, but there is a campground only 2 miles from the motel and 1 mile from where we eat on Saturday night.  Saturday night is a low country boil and beer and soft drinks included in the cost. Usually all you can eat, I have not seen us ever run out of food at this event. I am one of the host so you know it will be fun  :D  It says no camping in the info below, but as I stated, there is a campground close by.  Stingrays pub is next door to the motel so easy crawling distance  :beerchug:  and last year Shaq showed up at Stingrays, so you never know who you might see on Tybee

The Savannah Rally, December 5 - 7, 2014 at Tybee Island, GA is proud to announce OUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY LOW COUNTRY BOIL, again staying at the Dunes Inn and at the same prices as last year!!
This is a motel rally, no camping , no fees other than the meal Saturday night. If you've never had the pleasure of visiting Savannah, GA, this is the perfect time to do it. The weather will be beautiful, and downtown Savannah and Historic River Street are about 20 miles from Tybee Island.
Friday night will be the Meet & Greet at StingRay's next door to the Dunes Inn.
Saturday we'll start meeting at the open pavilion (Memorial Park) behind City Hall around 5 - 6 pm and plan on eating around 7 pm.
The price of shrimp has been very high recently but as of now we have no idea if the higher prices will hold or if they'll fall back to normal high prices...
We're looking at $30 a person but keep in mind this could change.
Please spread the word!!

If you need additional info, contact me, JERRY DUKE, jerry dot duke at gmail dot com

Below are our special rates, but you have to mention BMW RIDERS to get them:
49.95 Front
39.95 Back
59.95 Kitchenette
75.00 Jacuzzi
Dunes Inn & Suites
1409 Butler Avenue,
Tybee Island, Georgia 31328
(912) 786-4591
Just keeping this out there for those who want to break up the winter months.  Not a lot of good riding around Savannah, but a lot of great food on Saturday night  :great:  :beerchug:
Ayup, this is a FUN fest & a good time to play tourist in Savannah. Mary & I hit it in 08 :great:
Big C said:
May have to do this. We love Savannah. :beerchug:

Go ahead and book your room as the rate doesn't stay there till the rally.  They have a good cancellation policy so if you see a couple of days in advance you can't go, cancel the room.