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4 months after review


Training Wheels
Well,  it's been 4 months and 10,000 miles since I bought my 2008 C-14 (ABS) , also know as the GTR1400 in Europe .
So, What did I learn so far ?
1. Cameras love it, unlike my previous VN800 , I get at least one flash every week on the road  8)

2. Cats love it , evryday I find a new cat sitting on my seat deep sleeping.

3. Flies just have a crush on it, that's why my windshield is full of them.

4. Gas station are full of love to it, they show it t least twice a week.

5. Only Kawasaki can ask 300$ to r&r sparkplugs.

6. Only after you try to do r&r of sparkplugs yourself you understand why Kawasaki ask 300$ for it.

7. When you buy a motorcycle for 96,000Nis (+-25000$) , no wonder that a washer for the final drive drain bolt cost 5$ (~1.4$ in the US)

8. Now , instead of getting burnt from the VN800 exhaust , I just get fried by the engine heat.

9. When I dropped the VN800 to the ground all I did was to lift it up and go back to ride, I do believe that dropping this one is gonna make me cry...

But still, I'll keep this beast for the next few years.
There are several things you can do to help with the heat, ranging in price from $5 (insulation between frame and fuel tank) to buying a full exhaust to get rid of the catalytic converters.

Also the plug change can be offset by having your plugs changed at the same time that the valves get checked.

As for the bike being heavy if you happen to drop it:  Maybe you could hit the gym.  ;D