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Accessory section problem.


In my original setup of the forum sections I tried to keep it clear that if you wanted to talk about C14 accessories then do it in one place but if you wanted to talk about motorcycle independent accessories and gear to do that in another area.  I have notice that we are again unclear on that distinction and many users are posting independent questions to vehicle specific areas.  Problem or not?
Two sentz worth - Maybe move Say anything here section above bike specific section.  FWIW, I just posted about Spot and have no idea what section it was in.  Coulda been C14 section since Wayne and I both have one but Wayne was probably smarter than me and paid attention to detail.  In the 'posting' screen, which I'm in now, there's no indication where you are or where the post will go it tells you where you are and where it will post just above the 'Post Reply' title bar.  Took me a while to figure that out. :-[  First comment stands, though.
But I see the SPOT unit as being a possible accessory for the C14. So why couldn't it go there? But it also could be used without the bike, so it could also be a non accessory! Such a dilemma!!!! IMO, it/they could go either way.
We could have a nice full detail discussion about a new fangled farkle of some kind in the C14 section and all the C10 riders that don't care about C14 may never see it.  That is why I thought there should be a non specific section that maybe goes by a different name... Riding Accessories or something.  Of course as we see people will continue to post where ever the hell they want.  :-[
I guess thats were the power of the mods come in they could always move a subject to a different area if they feel strongly thats were it belongs