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Adjustable handlebars/clips any ideas?


I've noticed that after long rides my right wrist hurts and 2 of my fingers go numb for a few days.  I believe the angle of my bars are the cause of the problem.  I have wide shoulders and when I grab the bars it's not at a natural angle.  I have installed KB risers I purchased from Murphs but what I need is something that will let me angle the bars out a little.  I have searched the forum and did a google search but couldn't find anything.

Can anyone help or have any ideas? ???
Helibar has what your looking for on their website. 


They say it is shipping in June...it's June.  I might get them too, let me know whatcha think.

WOW!!!!  That's exactly what I was looking for.  I was on their website and didn't see it.  I'm going to order it tomorrow, it's a bit steep but well worth it if it stops my fingers from being numb.  I'll let you know what there like when I get them.

I called up Heli today and they said that the new bars won't ship until the 2nd week of July.  They took my email down and put it on the notification list.  Now the waiting game begins.
Well I called HeliBars today and they told me that the Horizon ST bars would be ready for Sturgis.  Sturgis??  Isn't Sturgis a Harley rally and I can't believe there would be much of an interest for C14 adjustable bars.  Anyway now they say they'll be ready for 8/8.  Too late for VT.
You may think they're ugly but if it helps with my carple tunnel and stops the numbness, I'll buy two of them! :))
This may not be what you want ... and this set up is a bit pricey.  But, I had the Spiegler/LSL bars and riser on my 2007 ZX14 Ninja.  The bike was transformed for me.  It became a sport touring bike and not just some speed junkie's delight.

This site may not give all the photos that you will need.  I just did a quick search and come up with this. 

I got some aftermarket bars from Motorcyclesuperstore.com  .... they had a bend that allowed me to rotate the bars back towards me.  I had more comfy riding position, less weight on the bars, and no numbness.

Just spend some time seaching into this set up.  It reall is good.  And, no .... you'll need cables.  OEMs won't work.
I'm having the exact same issue on my '09.  I initially looked at Heli risers but after more riding and more evaluation I think my issue is more about the angle of the bars and less about the height.  I also have wide shoulders and find that my wrists have to be twisted out to make contact with the grips (put your arms straight out in front of you, simulate gripping the bars and then turn your hands so they're pointing away from each other).  I'm going to look into getting some bar stock and playing with possible angles and then possibly bending them forward slightly to see if I can get a more natural angle.

If anyone else has had similar thoughts or already looked into this I'd love your feedback before I dive in.
Poverty Rock Shawn said:
I'm having the exact same issue on my '09.  I initially looked at Heli risers but after more riding and more evaluation I think my issue is more about the angle of the bars and less about the height.  I also have wide shoulders and find that my wrists have to be twisted out to make contact with the grips (put your arms straight out in front of you, simulate gripping the bars and then turn your hands so they're pointing away from each other).  I'm going to look into getting some bar stock and playing with possible angles and then possibly bending them forward slightly to see if I can get a more natural angle.

If anyone else has had similar thoughts or already looked into this I'd love your feedback before I dive in.

I just started a new thread on this very thing.... didnt see your post in time.  Maybe you can post some info there?
OK I maybe insane but I just pulled the trigger and ordered a set of the Helibar Horizon ST bars.  After I placed the order it hit me $695, $715 with shipping, ouch I must be crazy.  But then again if I can ride without my hand going numb it will have been worth it.  And if I don't like them Helibar offers 100% money back satisfaction garantee if I'm not happy with them.

I should get them on Thursday, I'll give my review afterwards.
Cap'n Bob said:
$715!  :41:  I hope they do work well!  >:D  You have a couple of weeks before Vermont!

I know $715 sounds insane but if this cures my biggest problem when I ride, it'll be worth it.  My thumb, forefinger and middle finger on my right hand was numb for over a week after I got back from Saratoga.
OK there installed.  It was pretty easy and they look "not bad".  The only thing I don't like are the extensions for the brakes and clutch.  It looks real sloppy and awkward.  If there everything they're supposed to be and improve the problem I have with my wrist, I'll buy a set of ss lines that are long enough so I won't have to use extensions.  I'll try to post pics tomorrow.
The bars are installed as per the directions which I followed precisly.  My only issues are that the lines look messy and not neater attached to the bars, you'll see what I'm talking about in the pics.  Also when I turn the bars all the way to the left the throttle cables get pinched and you can't open or close the throttle without using force.  I will need to re-route the cables and I'll be ordering a set of lines from Galfers.





Well they are definetly different. It kind of gives it the Robocop look.  :)  I can't wait to check these out this weekend! I hope they work for you as planned.
OK, here is my review of the Helibar Horizon ST bars.  I rode to VT for the National and the trip there was about 200mi.  I rode about 200 miles each day.  Overall I rode over 1500 miles during this trip.  My hands never got numb and I felt less pressure on my wrists as the bars allowed me to sit in a more upright position.  The last long trip I took to Saratoga Springs was only 700 miles long in 2 days which left 3 fingers on my right hand numb for weeks.  The price my be high but it was worth it, I was much more comfortable and no nerve damage.
Gigantor said:
OK, here is my review of the Helibar Horizon ST bars.  I rode to VT for the National and the trip there was about 200mi.  I rode about 200 miles each day.  Overall I rode over 1500 miles during this trip.  My hands never got numb and I felt less pressure on my wrists as the bars allowed me to sit in a more upright position.  The last long trip I took to Saratoga Springs was only 700 miles long in 2 days which left 3 fingers on my right hand numb for weeks.  The price my be high but it was worth it, I was much more comfortable and no nerve damage.

That sure looks like an awful lot of rise. I guess I need to take another look at my stock bars in comparison.

If I could pull them back slightly (rotate at lower clamp) and then angle them out slightly from stock (like yours appear to be), without getting them any higher than stock, then I'm guessing that they'd be perfect. But, DANG, that's a lot of money.

Of course, that's about what we spend on a Corbin seat in order to get more comfort in our tail section, so maybe it's not too much to correct hand/wrist issues.
That would probably help my numbness, but I just can't stomach the 700 dollar price tag and the look of them...  Does anyone know if Phil is still selling his wedges? That may be an alternative for me
I wonder if they'd just sell the bar conversion mount. I can find my own handlebars to my liking/needs and just attach them. Really don't need that much adjustability.
Marc, Murphs is now selling Phils wedges on his site.

The bars can be rotated to keep the bars close to stock height.  If you could just get the adapter so you could use your own handlebars, it would still be trial and error until you get the bars that fit just right.  The adjustablity on these removes that problem.
Andy said:
I wonder if they'd just sell the bar conversion mount. I can find my own handlebars to my liking/needs and just attach them. Really don't need that much adjustability.

Seems like I've seen a clamp set somewhere online thats lets you attach your own handlebars. You could probably put some ape-hangers on there if you really wanted to sit really upright.

Actually found it on another thread about LOWERING the bars. Here's your starting point: http://www.roxspeedfx.com/cgi-bin/cart/showitems.cgi?subcat_id=268