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Alaska Ride


The Alaska adventure starts tomorrow! Darrell Hess and I are heading to Tomah for tne National Rally. At the conclusion (Jul,16) we will leave Tomah on our KLR's for Alaska. We'll be gone for 5 weeks and hit all the good d/s roads there - The Denali Highway and the Dawson Highway and others. We'll post any good pictures we get along the way. We will make the RTE at Tok on the way. Hope to see lots of folks there!
Ken and Darrell: You have no idea on how much I wish I could be with you, but you know how momma's plans go. On that note, the grand kids are here now. Having a good time, just not what I would prefer. That's OK, my day will come. In the meantime, you all have a safe trip. I'll be thinking of you. tcars John
Wanted to ride AK but the economy has put the brakes on some of the longer rides for me. Good riding and safe travel. Keith of Cody (AAD), Steve from Puyallup and my brother Al from Grants Pass OR met in Dorris CA July 10 for a 6 day ride on the routes 3,4 and north of 5 of the OBCDR http://www.oohva.org/ ending up in Walla Walla WA. Route three in high country on the west side of the Cascades. 4 over east and 5 on east side. Did route 5 in entirety in '05 on the '00 KLR 650, this time on a '08 KLR 650. Al on same, Keith on an '09 and Steve on a '08 DRZ400S with 4 gal tank. 1900 miles with about 700 on forest roads. Great time but very dusty in back. I used a Garmin 276C and TrekNow GPS CD of the OBCDR. Worked pretty good with a few 'anomolies' Like FR's that are discontinued.... no real problem with a ride around. So enjoy! ;)
This is Ken's wife Marcia. Just got home from a week's visit with Ken and Darrell in Anchorage, Denali and Kenai Penninsula (also Darrell's wife Brenda came for the week). I didn't want to leave! Temperature was in the 50s day and night, great for riding. Salmon are running. It's just heaven. Fellas are headed for Fairbanks and then a run up to Deadhorse. Ken said they got a clear look at Denali without clouds today--a special treat. Unfortunately he sent the netbook home with me--no use for it in the woods, extra weight on the gravel. More later I'm sure.
That is great Marcia, wish them all the best and safe return. Let him know nothing has changed here. I mean NOTHING. He will figure out what I mean by that when he gets back. Photos[/url]