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all forum post goin to spam box???

silver wolf

everything that comes from this forum goes to my spam box & how do I make it go to my inbox & I'm gettin messages from here I never replied to & why is that??? help please as I'm not really a puter person...
WillyP said:
Add the sender to your address book.

That's one option that may fix it.

It all depends on the email client you are using.
If it's a web based client, i.e. you use your internet browser to access your email, you should find a setting when you open the email in your spam folder to say the email/sender is not SPAM.

Let me know what email service (AOL, Hotmail etc ) and email client you are using.
I have AT&T Colin & I just saw a thing on ur message that said add contact to contacts & we'll C what happens now as that might do it 2day!!!
ATT is who connects you to the internet.  How do you check your mail?  Do you go to a web page and then log in?  Who runs that web page?  Or do you launch a program and what is it called?