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Another Florida FNG

Here is a cheap set. I think folks have had some problems with the Chinese ones though.
Others can go into detail.

Many of us send our carbs to Steve Sefsic @Shoudaben Engineering.
I know that seems crazy as relatively EZ to rebuild carbs. But getting the float height exactly right etc is a real PITA on the C-10.\
Plus, he installs standpipes (to prevent hydrolock) and special jetting (for more torque).

That sed, I recently bought some diaphragm's for my sons Connie. (1 had torn)
Got them from China/cheap and they worked perfectly.
I'll try to find where I ordered them.
Welcome NG! I had a 2000 C-10. Great bike. Ted gives good advice on contacting Steve. He can help and is in FL.
Like ted (connie rider) said, it would be far easier to sent them to Steve then mess with themurself..them urself... unless u like being frustrated or have a knack for rebuilding cards.