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Anyone know this unit and is it a good deal?

looks like a good price to me....mileage isn't that bad for an 08 model.  I've put that many on my C10 in that same period of time.
It may be due a valve adjustment... but that's a great price IMHO.  Let er rip!
Now if I can get my wifey to buy off on it, I'm there!  Thanks everyone, let ya know what happens.
You are in quite a dilemma. Asking to buy a Motorcycle for yourself on Mothers Day. I guess a large piece of jewelry might help. Not the best weekend for a move like this.
I'd reckon that might depend on the woman... but at my house?  Mmmmm, not the right week. LOL

Go for it though dude!
If you have your own job and meet all your commitments financially, why do you have to get permission? I do not understand grown men who seem to be proud that they have to go to their wife and ask permission like they were a little child. If you can afford it and want it, buy it.
wendel said:
If you have your own job and meet all your commitments financially, why do you have to get permission? I do not understand grown men who seem to be proud that they have to go to their wife and ask permission like they were a little child. If you can afford it and want it, buy it.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I do not understand grown married men that do not understand marriage.  ;)
Rev Ryder said:
wendel said:
If you have your own job and meet all your commitments financially, why do you have to get permission? I do not understand grown men who seem to be proud that they have to go to their wife and ask permission like they were a little child. If you can afford it and want it, buy it.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I do not understand grown married men that do not understand marriage.  ;)
Marriage hell.............Women (Some of them. Luv you honey).
Let me know when you're going over to look at it, as I'm just up the road and you can compare it to my 2011.
wendel said:
If you have your own job and meet all your commitments financially, why do you have to get permission? I do not understand grown men who seem to be proud that they have to go to their wife and ask permission like they were a little child. If you can afford it and want it, buy it.

Maybe it's just me but after 27 years of being married. I have always found it best to discuss large purchases with my Wife first. I agree with you. If your financial situation is in line you should pull the trigger. It is a great deal. I don't have to ask my Wife but out of respect I would always tell her. 
Tim said:
wendel said:
If you have your own job and meet all your commitments financially, why do you have to get permission? I do not understand grown men who seem to be proud that they have to go to their wife and ask permission like they were a little child. If you can afford it and want it, buy it.

Maybe it's just me but after 27 years of being married. I have always found it best to discuss large purchases with my Wife first. I agree with you. If your financial situation is in line you should pull the trigger. It is a great deal. I don't have to ask my Wife but out of respect I would always tell her.

Ditto Tim!  I would never just buy something and then come back later and say, "Honey look what I got!".  I think she'd probably be ok with it later, but I'd make sure any hard objects close by were not in arms reach  :-\
The Pope said:
Let me know when you're going over to look at it, as I'm just up the road and you can compare it to my 2011.

Pope where you located?  I live just over the Lee County border in Northern Sanford and work in Raleigh.
LTZ said:
The Pope said:
Let me know when you're going over to look at it, as I'm just up the road and you can compare it to my 2011.

Pope where you located?  I live just over the Lee County border in Northern Sanford and work in Raleigh.

In Garner (well near the I-40/Hwy 42 interchange) and I work in Fuquay-Varina.
Great deal!  This is why my 2008 with 46,000 miles will be in my garage until the wheels fall off since I would be lucky to get $5,500, even with all the modifications and farkles.
And this is exactly why I'll have a C14 in a few years after riding the C10 since 2003 - because they become affordable long before they're used up!
wendel said:
If you have your own job and meet all your commitments financially, why do you have to get permission?

Off Topic:
I don't know about the rest of these guys but I've learned after 33 years of marriage, that my wife can make my life a living hell if she wants to.  While her permission to make a large purchase is not vital, it is certainly desirable for peace in the household.

On Topic:
My '08 is a great bike, I paid $8500 two years ago, at 27K miles this bike has plenty of life left, I'd say, go for it!
The last time I bought a $10,000 motorcycle without my wifes OK, it cost me about 20 grand, 10 for the bike and 10 for the furniture she made me get her after a week of not speaking to me.  The silent part was great but she said if there was money for non essentials then there was money for things we needed and didn't have.  Did I mention I was remodeling my house and there weren't any walls in the living room or dining room.

Forget what everyone else says, you're doing the right thing by asking the little lady first.
I guess it matters more if it seems like a lot of money.  I don't have to ask permission to visit McDonalds.  So if we had SO much money that buying a new C14 would set me back about as much as lunch would to a normal person, then it doesn't really matter.

I've never been in that position though; I suspect that few here have either.  So we speak of things like this before laying down the dollars.  It keeps Mama happy.  And you know what they say...

If Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!