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Audiovox CCS100 Installation


Big Wheel
I'm a "Noobie" to the COG and forums, so I apologize if I'm breaking any rules in this post. I just installed an Audiovox CCS100 on my 03'. I thought it was a clean installation and expected positive results right off the bat. Well that wasn't the case. After 6 test rides, adjustments and subsequent tank re-installations it still does not work. When I set the unit it does not hold, decelerates 10 mph then tries to catch, then releases again. I suspect insufficient vacuum, but it has suction on the hose and I installed the canister I purchased from Murph's. Has anyone had a similar installation experience? Any help would be appreciated. I live in the SF Bay Area and if you know of a mechanic in the area, that may be helpful if all else fails.
I can not remember but if the canister has a check valve then is it installed the correct way? Is there to much slack in the wire loop to beaded chain connection. If it is to loose it may not be able to pull up the slack before it gives up. Have you done any brake light mods or are they stock? Are you sure it is setting at all? If the brake light line does not get close enough to ground when the brakes are off then the unit will not set at all. I had to add a relay to mine to force it to ground. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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Thanks for the quick response. The canister does have man/amp connection and i think it is installed correctly by the literature. I have removed as much slack as I can and have no binding of the cable. I think i will try the relay advice on the brake light circuit as I have installed a back off mod that could effect the ground. Thanks a lot. Jrich
Bob, Thanks a bunch, I installed the Radio Shack relay per the Bergman wiring diagram. It worked like a champ!! This is a great forum. JRich