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battery tender


OK folks, this may be a dumb question... but I'm gonna ask it anyway.  I have my bike on a battery tender junior.  Up till tonight the light turned green, indicating full charge each night.  Tonight, the light stayed solid red... indicating still charging.  It has already been on long enough to change to green but hasn't. 

Now the question... does this indicate a problem with the tender? The battery?  Not enough information to tell?

There isn't anything that should be drawing power from the battery that I can tell.  Any ideas?  Thanks.
Your battery may be going bad and it's still charging the battery. It may be time for a new battery!
I've heard that continuous use of the Battery Tender will cause the level of the water/acid to go down. Before you buy a new battery, check the water level.

Ride safe, Ted
I had the same problem with mine last fall. had the battery tested at a friends shop which showed the battery needed to be replaced. Problem solved  ;)
Alright, I feel like a complete idiot.  :-[

Come to find out the water level was dreadfully low.  I filled it up, put it back on the tender and now seems fine.  Have I done some damage to the battery by letting it get so low?  Good grief.

Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
Not sure if this happens every time but I got my bike used but only 3800mi and the battery was very low.  Filled it up and charged it and all was good for a few weeks till I was 100miles from nowhere and it died.
My experience is that once a battery gets very low on water, it will be weak at best. A little low is fine.
if it's been low, the lead corrosion has started.  The battery is doomed.  It's best to start looking for a new battery (recommend Odyssey) asap.
Or at the other extreme you can get a battery at Walmart for 35 and replace it every... what, how long do they last? I bought one a few years ago it sat all winter still connected. I charged it up and it cranked the motor fine, but not for long.
That's true.  two different routes.  I'm lazy, and don't like screwing with batteries, so i usually go the Odyssey route and forget about it for like 5-7 years.