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Bluetooth Helmets - Larger Size?

Has anyone tried the new helmets with integrated bluetooth headsets custom installed?  (Nolan N103, Arai RX-Q, etc.)  I have a rather large head - currently using an HJC helmet I bought a few years back in XXL.  This helmet is a little snug but the HJC XXXL size fits me perfectly.  Any recommendations / ideas?
I am currently wearing an XXL HJC helmet and have a Bluetooth headset from J&M.  I am pleased with the headset well beyond any expectations I had before I bought it.  I can tell you that it is a bit expensive but it is well worth it.  J&M makes the best audio equipment for motorcyclists out there.  Cycle World did a review on Bluetooth headsets a couple months back and rated the J&M headset the best out of the bunch.  They back up their equipment with their outstanding warranty and customer service.  I use the headset both for the use of the phone and the use of a MP3 player.  I currently have a DROIDX for my cell phone.  Hope this might give you another idea other than the helmets that are preset for the Bluetooth.
How does the J&M work on highway say 70mph can you still hear music or does it drown out.  Tried some cheaper systems before and didn't have much luck with it, kinda skeptical of a more expensive system.
I wear an XL Schuberth C3, and they come larger. Perhaps a little too pricey with the optional communication system.
Josh said:
How does the J&M work on highway say 70mph can you still hear music or does it drown out.  Tried some cheaper systems before and didn't have much luck with it, kinda skeptical of a more expensive system.
I wear an HJC full face with a Midland BT2 headset with speakers inside by the ears and a lip mike at the front inside.

The Midland gear works well for sound and phone pairing.  My flip phone can be heard by others as I use it.  I choose to use a wired connection to my iPod Touch for audiobooks or MP3 listening.

My wife has one too so we can converse on the bike without yelling (much) to each other

:) .

Send a private message if you'd like to set up a phone call to hear it.  I will have the gear at Nationals if you would like to see it in person.