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BMW K1600GT Hidden Function

Oh, I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have fantasized having something like that.    >:D  The four wheeler that passes me, then slows down to below the speed limit  ZAP  your outta here!  To the bozo who's texting on his/her cell phone and turns left in front of me.  zzzt- shows over!  Hopefully it has the rear firing option so that the next  four wheeler that follows 20 ft from my tail light at 70mph; bye bye! 
That sure looks useful!  I wonder how long before we're able to get an aftermarket kit?  Murph?  SISF?
Hopefully it has the rear firing option so that the next  four wheeler that follows 20 ft from my tail light at 70mph; bye bye

I'd prefer launching an oil slick....

its already been mentioned, but it is the biggest pet peeve i have when on the bike...

FCUKKIN CELL PHONE USERS!!!!!  (cue the Dr. Evil laugh)
kiss your azz goodbye
I don't care if you use your phone, just do it in the RIGHT lane, not the left :mad:

That said, some people/drivers can multitask, some can't. Know which one you are!