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Boomer down again


Had a semi turn in front of me without signalling.
I guess I got lucky as I didn't go under it.
I'm bruised and battered and have an AC joint separation in my right shoulder.
Otto is busted again, but we will both ride again.
Getting bored of being in pain because other people are f***wits.
Semi driver is being charged with Dangerous Driving.
Be careful out there people.
Dang brutha! Maybe have to change your handle since 'fall down go Boomer' seems to happen more than once. Glad you are going to heal and keep on fighting those out to kill us.
Boomer said:
Semi driver is being charged with Dangerous Driving.
Be careful out there people.

The sad part is the semi driver will probably get a slap on the wrist while you are in pain and can't ride just yet.

So sorry to hear this. 
WOW!  Scary stuff Boomer.  Trucks worry me.  Lots of tires to dodge.  Phew, glad you didn't get hurt worse, but that shoulder will take some time.  Heal up fast and complete bro! 
Okay awaiting your shopping list,I know the continuing pain way of life.Seriously I'll look for best prices for you,pain-brother.    The Wizard
So sorry to hear about this. Praying you don't require surgery and that you're back on the bike before summer ends!
Sorry to hear about this. I feel your pain with the shoulder injury. Hopefully no surgery and PT will get you moving properly again.
Dang, George! I guess the US doesn't have a lock on idiot drivers! Heal well and quickly and get Otto back on the road.
DOH! Sorry to hear.

Good crappy reminder that all vehicles are out to get you..  :(

Get well, hope the body heals quickly and well!

Bummer dude, feel better soon. 
Hope you were not watching the "How not to Dual Sport" thread and practicing up for that.  If you have not seen it I would pass.  May bring on bad memories.
I'm very sorry to read this Boomer!  I hope you heal quickly- especially that shoulder!  Had shoulder surgery 7 months ago and it was not fun.  Take care of yourself and don't let them low-ball you on any settlement!
Boomer, I just saw this.  Arghhhh!!
Hope your feeling a bit better.

Hope the shoulder (everything) heals quickly.

Keep us posted on your improvement.

Ride safe, Ted
Thanks all, am healing slowly.
Police have told me they have footage from dash cameras so hopefully it will be straight forward.

Thanks for the offer Wiz but I already bought a spare fairing a couple months ago.
The rest I hope to dig out of my spares mountain.
First need to get my mobility back to normal and get rid off the pain.
Boomer, hope you heal fast--and completely--and get a really, really big check from the insurance company.