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brake info


Can someone explain the difference in brake grades and what you suggest. I am getting ready to put my newly powder coated rear wheel, a new rotor, and a new tire on. I figure I might as well do the pads while I have it apart as hopefully I will not take the rear off again for a while. Is there any other maintenance I should do while it is apart? Respectfully Yours! Wess Heavner COG #8010 CDA #0239
Hey Wess, hope you are feeling better... As for your question, I might add new wheel bearings. If you've already done that, then never mind. Take care
Replaced everything but the dampers in the rear wheel. I have two sets of wheels so I can have spares ready to go with no down time. PS what is that O ring in with the dampers for? There is no fluid in there. Respectfully Yours! Wess Heavner COG #8010 CDA #0239
PS what is that O ring in with the dampers for? There is no fluid in there. To keep the outside out, and the inside in. Sounds like a snappy answer, but it's the simple truth. Think of it more as a dust seal that can keep rainwater and road spooge out.
Thats the only thing I could think of. Respectfully Yours! Wess Heavner COG #8010 CDA #0239