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Can the C10 Saddle Bags be Painted?


Mini Bike
I've spent a little time searching for links here for painting the stock saddle bags and have come up empty. I haven't even seen any pictures on the albums here where someone has painted their bags. Are they made of a material that can't be painted? Can you post a "how to" and/or show some pics if you have painted your saddle bags? Thanks
They can be painted. I have seen some. In fact someone posted some pics just the other day showing some red bags. The thread was for something else though. Group photo showing several bikes at a stop. The posters bike had red bags. "If it hasn't killed me yet, it's runnin out of time" COG # 8062 AMA # 1084053 ROMA or Scarlet harlot acording to my wife
Yes they can. I recall someone having good success with truck-bed spray paint. I have an old cracked up bag at home I may try it on just to see how it works. I can't be sure but I think they are some type of polypropylene for sure they are not ABS! Cp
I painted my '86 bags after an "un-scheduled get off" by wet sanding with 320 paper, then 360 paper, then 400 paper ( both wet and dry sanding). Then I used a rattle can with paint for plastics ( Wal-Mart as I remember). Came out pretty well, although I could still improve on the road rash on the left bag. I'm sure the later model, pebble grained bags would be more of a challenge. Try it, it's not difficult.
I'll have to throw my two cents in here. I'm quite sure the bags are molded from ABS. My company, Urethane Supply Company, specializes in making products for plastic repair and refinishing. I even wrote a book on the subject ("How to Repair Plastic Bodywork" by Whitehorse Press) ABS is not hard to paint because its surface tension is decently high. All you need to do is clean it with soap & water, let dry, clean it again with a solvent-based plastic cleaner (I'd recommend our 1000-A Super Clean), then scuff it with a red Scotchbrite pad. Then you can spray a light gray primer surfacer on there (our new All Seasons 3041 would be a good choice), then a color topcoat. It would be a much bigger project to fill the texture and make them smooth, but it can be done. If you ever have any questions about plastic repair or refinishing, please give me a call at 800-633-3047. I will extend a 35% discount to all COG members if you place your order with me personally. Check out our products at www.urethanesupply.com.
If one has the textured bags..do as Bob Young suggested then instead use a rattle can of "textured paint". I needed it, it worked and lasted well. (WalMart)
Hi Kurt; I may well stand corrected. I seem to remember that Rich Reed quoted that the bags were not ABS, but I could be totally wrong and my memory ain't what it used to be thats for sure! Out of curiosity how does one tell ABS from any other type of plastic?
Hi Colin, regarding the identification of plastic on motorcycles, rigid fairing material is usually ABS (although I've seen ABS/PC blends and ABS/PA blends). Most of the time they mold the ID symbol into the backside. Polypropylene is difficult to paint, so it's most commonly used as splash guards and other non-cosmetic pieces. PP is usually molded in a black color and has a bit of a waxy appearance. In contrast, ABS is more rigid and has a more shiny appearance. ABS is usually painted (like Connie fairings), but it can be molded in color like on the Connie saddlebags. Since this subject came up, I've started thinking how my bike would look with painted saddlebags! I'll post some photos if I ever do it.
As to painted bags, take a look at my 88. <a href="http://rides.webshots.com/photo/2029872590053698080zoAnUA"><img src="http://thumb0.webshots.net/t/76/76/8/72/59/2029872590053698080zoAnUA_th.jpg" alt="ConcourFul"></a> Just wish the top bag was red also. tcars John
John, That is the bike I was referring to in my earlier reply. Which paint did you use. My 90 is the same color and my bags are ugly. Off topic, what are, how mounted, and where did you get the running lights under your mirrors? "If it hasn't killed me yet, it's runnin out of time" COG # 8062 AMA # 1084053 ROMA or Scarlet harlot acording to my wife