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Castrol 6 Hour Race - 1978


Street Cruiser
Lots of cool stuff here gents and gentrees.  http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2012/Mar/120323g.htm

The video above comes the closest to any we've watched in recent memory that left us simply too stunned to talk.

Shot in Australia in 1978, it's quite interesting footage—until you realize the undeniable danger every rider was in at this racetrack. It left us feeling a little like Eric Bostrom said he did after watching one practice at the Isle of Man TT—that he just wanted to go sit down and hopefully not throw up.

This video is one of the few times you'll see a Honda CBX plated, wired and "tired" for roadracing. Once, while we stood by Mr. Gill MA someone suggested to Kevin Cameron that the CBX was a significant motorcycle. Cameron wryly replied that the CBX wasn't so much a motorcycle, but a 'highly transportable two-wheeled engine display stand'.

Regardless, the image of a CBX prepped for racing alone is worth a peek, but to see it actually leading a race--amazing. Is that Graeme "Croz" Crosby riding it? There's also a shaft-drive Yamaha XS1100 in this race.

It's a viable question—was there a safe racetrack anywhere in the world in 1978? Back then "runoff" was how one measured the water as it drained away from the foundation of a house. That human beings raced on this racetrack in this configuration is amazing. Added bonus: the bike which began billowing deathsmoke after the start but never seemed to get black-flagged.

Still, a CBX leading a race ... rare footage, that.
"runoff"? OMG, in some of the areas even the spectators where in the line of fire, scary stuff. :-\ Amazing footage once again HOGBOY, thanks for the flashback. 8)