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CDA #1 for new to me C14


It happened three times in 10 years to the C10. Always low speed and always totally my fault. Yesterday coming out of my parking garage at work it happened again. I went down on the right side. Yep, totally my fault. This time I was saved by the canyon cages I put on just two months ago. Those babies just paid for themselves. A few scratches on the right side lower bar that will buff out. I was totally mortified but took immediate action and walked the bike right up on my own. The cages made it super easy to get the bike back up. Great product. I'm still a little red faced but happy the damage was so minimal.
Glad to hear you did the smart thing - you actually INSTALLED the Canyon Cages rather than leaving them to sit on a shelf in the garage.  You wouldn't believe the number of folks from whom I hear that very story.  Pride is an easy thing to fix when you compare it with all of that Tupperware.

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 523rd recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:

0519 C14 Matt Guss
0520 C10 Steve Sinner
0521 C14 Tom Womack
0522 C14 Richard Close Jr.
0523 C14 Charlie Moore

Thanks ChipDoc, my very own CDA number. I feel like a real COG member now. I probably should have reported the C10 drops years ago but what the heck. I was very impressed with the canyon cages. They worked perfect. If anybody is on the fence get off and get a set.  :great: