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CDA #2


Mini Bike
Dropped my C10 about 4 years ago...didn't put my foot down at stop, dropped on right side.  Bought an '09 about 2 months ago.  Only rode about 300 miles on it, I was doing a u-turn backing up, put my foot out on left side.  There was a dip in the road and my leg wasn't long enough for the weight of the lean.  I thought, I got  it, I got it, Oh Poop!  I don't got it.  Luckily I didn't have the bags on.  It landed on the mirror and the Muzzy center stand foot pedal.  Scratched the farings and broke the end of the shifter off.  I was able to pick it up and ride a tenth of a mile home in first gear.  New shifter, $92.00, plastic $70.00, ego, priceless!  Ordered MC canyon cages. 
Funny how those memories stay fresh despite the passage of years.  At least you have the distinction of having dropped both Concours models!  Gotta watch these girls; they're topheavy beasts wen their tanks are full.  And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 522nd recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:

0518 C14 Gerard Salmon
0519 C14 Matt Guss
0520 C10 Steve Sinner
0521 C14 Tom Womack
0522 C14 Richard Close Jr.