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CDA Confession


I was on a road trip last summer (Oregon to Idaho and Montana) on my 94 C10 ("Luther") and camping along the way.  I was packing up in Idaho the last morning of the trip, heading home, and was putting stuff in my left hard bag.  I was using the side stand, and I guess I wasn't parked on a very level spot (so it was sitting too vertical).  I squeezed everything in to the bag, and had to push it closed with some force so I could latch it.  You guessed it, I used enough force to knock the bike over on its right side.  Luckily I was on dirt so the bike suffered only a couple of scratches, but my pride suffered a lot.  I had to ask for help to pick it up (being fully loaded with camping gear didn't help!)
I'm glad I'm not the only one that's happened to.  If the bike is standing a bit too vertical, pop off the right-side mid-cover.  Under there you'll find a valve just like a tire air valve, only this one will fill the rear shock with a bit of air.  Do NOT use a high-pressure hose to fill it up or you'll blow the seal right out of it, but a half dozen strokes with a hand pump will do the trick.

And so it has now become my sad duty to confirm you as the 528th recipient of the uncoveted Connie Droppers Anonymous Award.  You have another tale to share around a Rally campfire.  My sincerest condolences!

The five most recent unfortunates:

0524 C14 Julio Sekler
0525 C14 Ahmet Beyhan
0526 C10 Brian Frankenfield
0527 C10 Frazier Johnston
0528 C10 Catrinus Wallet

Thanks for the tip!  I don't think I realized that the rear has an air shock.  I will check that out.
The reason mine was too veritcal was simply because of the un-evenness of where I was parked in the campsite. 
It's great to read these CDA stories -- it makes me feel a lot less stupid :)