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Charley in Charlotte


I have been lurking for a couple of weeks since I bought and promptly dropped my 1998 Connie (well it did take a couple of days to drop it). Was not aware of the reputation... I started looking for a Connie about three years ago, looking to move up to a slightly larger and more reliable bike than my 1978 Yamaha SX750 Special. There is a Owners Group for Yamaha Triples and they have been great to know. This forum has already been a great source of information, and I hope that the rebuilt J-Box I am going to install today will solve that *sometimes yes/no* ignition problem. This is a Great Forum.
Charley, welcome to the group. I know you will enjoy the Connie. The more I ride mine the more I like it. I'm not far from you in Denver, maybe we can get together sometime. I really enjoy the mountains and the BRP. May be putting a BRP end to end together for next spring. Again welcome this is a great bunch of folks.
I was trying to set up a meal get together once a month,like they do in North Ga., couldn't get enough interest. Would still like to do it and at the meal we could talk and plan rides. I'm willing all we need is someone else and maybe it will grow. If anyone is interested send me an email and we can set something up and get started.