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COG Officers, Forum Admins, Forum Mods....


I'm just curious....

With the results of the recent club "election", I've noticed that some of the new club Officers are also forum Mods. And at least 1 of the club Officers is also a forum Admin.
Yes, it's been said that a very small percentage of the members do most of the "work" anyways... But...

I'm just wondering if there are plans/thoughts to get other people involved to be forum Mods.
It's not that I don't think these Officers can't handle being both club Officers and forum Mods/Admins, it's just an additional chore.
I know there has recently been rumblings about how long it seems to take the BOD to make decisions.
And, will there be any sort of conflict of interest. In the past I've seen club Officers have to take off their club Officer hat to make post/comment of a personal nature.

Just wondering...
Dave, et al,

I am SC Area Director Elect, after the 31st of DEC, I shall no longer be a moderator.

It is my understanding that Chuck will also not be a moderator after the 31st as he was elected Executive Director.

I know the forum annunciator says AD, but I am NOT until after the 31st, same with Chuck with his rendering ED.

New moderators shall be needed and those interested should contact their current AD now, or after the first of the year their new AD if that applies.

There is an interview with the Forum Admin on your skills and qualifications for being a Moderator.

It is a time consuming and engaging job for the Club, and absolutely essential for the forum having great community.

This is what I learned by being a moderator:

1. I cut down on my posting and tried be a good example when I did post something.

2. You must be objective and fair, this is paramount to the job.

3. You need a thick skin and self control to not get personally involved.

4. Above all, treat others as you want to be treated and give everyone a chance to self moderate or give reminders to be circumspect of the forum rules you consented to when you joined.

I would also recommend that if you want to be a moderator, you join back up and "get a skin in the game".


kv5e said:
I would also recommend that if you want to be a moderator, you join back up and "get a skin in the game".

Craig... If this was directed at me, I just have to ask....

Have you not read any on my posts?  :D :rotflmao:
Fair, objective, thick skinned, self control???  :nananana:
At one point I may have been qualified to control COG merchandise worth $1,000's... but I am well aware that my opinions lean in the opposite direction of most mild-mannered COG Members and COG Forum visitors.

I just hadn't heard anything about getting some new Mod help and I knew you and Chuck stepped-up to take on your new positions.  :beerchug:
So I figured I'd open up the dialog, I think it's silly the way COG tends to wait until a position is vacant before it starts the process of finding someone to fill it.
LOL, hard to find a mod, you have to recruit everyone!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:

I know there are likely a few folks possibly being vetted and I am not privy to everything.

Thanks for posting this! This does indeed raise awareness for volunteers who can fill the shoes. The holidays are also in the way and as the snow piles up the natives will get restless!!!  :character0029:

Dave, I think you might be surprised, you have good critical thinking skills and that is one positive for being a moderator.

Ride free,

IIRC, the COGOPS position description for Safety Director requires the holder to also moderate that board (and related child boards).
There's hats and stuff? I didn't get any. I'm still waiting on my secret decoder ring. I did get the low down on the secret handshake though.  ;)
kv5e said:
Dave, et al,

I am SC Area Director Elect, after the 31st of DEC, I shall no longer be a moderator.

It is my understanding that Chuck will also not be a moderator after the 31st as he was elected Executive Director.

Wait, WHAT?!?!  :-\

I did NOT approve this.
No, no, no, no, no, you can not be an AD, and Rev can not be the ED.

*sigh* ok, fine! go ahead and be duly elected officers. :truce:
we'll get by...somehow...  :'(

So, anyone wanna be a moderator? 
The pay's not very good, but we make up for it with terrible hours  :)
Offer a 25% increaase in pay... they'll deserve it to clean up the messes left behind. Make that 35% increase!
I am still waiting for my cookie.... :??:  Great pay ya know.

Congrats to those elected/volunteered to step in it and keep the club running. 

A thought came to mind...watch out. Expanding on what was said about mods posting less. One thing I've found is as a MOD some people taking comments a lot harder from the MODS even if the MOD is 100% correct and just straitening out the facts. 
TimR said:
I am still waiting for my cookie.... :??:  Great pay ya know.

Congrats to those elected/volunteered to step in it and keep the club running. 

A thought came to mind...watch out. Expanding on what was said about mods posting less. One thing I've found is as a MOD some people taking comments a lot harder from the MODS even if the MOD is 100% correct and just straitening out the facts.

Tim, I only know of two ways to get cookies from COG. 1) Change your browser settings to allow cookies, 2) Attend the Bun Cooler.  :))