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COG UT Ride - Saturday, August 15th

Hello COG UT....and anyone in neighboring states looking to get away,

Saturday, August 15th
Meet 8:00am - KSU at 8:15am
Old Lowes Parking Lot
205 W 9000 S
Sandy, UT

We'll be riding Parley's Canyon to East Canyon, Trappers Loop, Monte Cristo and Mirror Lake.  This loop is right around 300 miles.  Let's get together and lay down some miles and have some grub!  Let me know if you're interested!!

It's on the Event Calendar as well: http://tinyurl.com/owx889w

801-918-1897 (text also)

Ride turned out great, although the roads were a little busier than normal due to the fact it was the last weekend before school starts around here. A total of 5 riders, one of them being new to the group.  Sunny and/or partly cloudy the entire ride with dry roads, temperature between 65 and 80 most of the way.  Just a gorgeous day. Here was the route we took.

Looking forward to another ride ride this Saturday, August 22nd!  :beerchug:
