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crack in fairing

some how something fell on my fairing over the winter and put a 3" crack in the fairing between the headlight and turn signal on the left side any suggestions on how to repair?
I've used Plastex. It has repaired broken fairing tabs permantly. It's a nasty solvent and plastic powder with applicator. www.plastex.net
My company, Urethane Supply, makes a methacrylate adhesive called PlastiFix that works very well on acrylic and ABS. On the clear fairing, use the 2504 clear PlastiFix kit. I've used PlastiFix several times to fix cracks and missing tabs on my '01 Connie fairing. I also cracked the fairing once and created a "shorty" fairing by repairing with PlastiFix and painting it black. I'll look forward to using that in the summer when I need some more airflow over my fluorescent yellow Olympia jacket. For more info on the PlastiFix, check out http://www.urethanesupply.com/plastifixhowto.php. If anybody has any questions about plastic repair, let me know! I wrote the book on it! http://www.urethanesupply.com/book.php