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Day ride RT Santa Cruz-Morro Bay or SC-Tomales Bay over July 4 weekend?


I'm thinking about taking a day ride over the July 4th weekend. Am open to either Thursday, July 3 or another day that weekend.

I'll be starting in Santa Cruz and thinking about riding to lunch in either Inverness/Tomales Bay (~250 mi. RT) or heading south to Morro Bay (~330 mi. RT). Both routes will incorporate Hwy 1 in at least one direction.

Prefer to get an early start (particularly for Thursday) to avoid commuters. Also open to other ideas -- preferably avoiding Hollister Rally!

Anyone up for a spin on Hwy 1?

Hey Jim.
Might be difficult on my end as I'm trying to pack a lot BBQing other family activities into the weekend. But I wouldn't be opposed to doing the ride home solo -- if you chose to extend your ride to a 2nd day.
Dan, I'm interested in either direction and Thursday works.  South would probably be better for me since I can slab it back if necessary.  Keep me posted  :great:
Jim: How are feeling about Thursday, July 3?

For route, how about:
-- 9 a.m. meetup at Surf City Coffee Co. on Hwy. 1 in Moss Landing (hopefully that's convenient for everyone)
-- South on Hwy 1 to Cambria. Lunch in Cambria. Moonstone Beach Bar & Grill looks good and has outdoor oceanfront tables, but open to local knowledge.
-- East on 46 to Paso Robles, then divert off Hwy 101 to ride the coast hills on G14 past Nacimiento and San Antonio lakes.
-- G14 north to King City, then slab home on Hwy 101.

Feel free to suggest alternates.

Dan - sorry I haven't gotten back to you, had a lot of irons in the fire and I was trying to put together an overnight stop in Paso along with everything else. My friends there are actually heading to Lake Crowley over by Mammoth Lakes, but we could still stay at their place if you're interested. I just need to know so I can set it up.

The ride sounds good. From King city, you could take G16-Carmel Valley Rd. back. Or slab it up to Salinas and over.

I'm probably going to hang my hat at Paso. For you it's only 300 miles RT, I'm over 400. I'd rather do 200 and stop to visit friends and drink beer.  ;D

Gary - where you coming from?
Looks like we're on for Thursday. I've got a buddy riding to Moss Landing, so we should have at least 4 riders.

Jim: Totally understand the pit stop in Paso. Glad you'll be able to join for the coastal ride.

See you all at Surf City Coffee at 9 a.m. Thursday.
Although Gary couldn't make it, Dan with his well worn but good running '95, his friend Curt (sp?) on a '05 R12GS and I had a good ride. Traffic was heavy on Hwy 1 through Monterey and Carmel, but heading for Big Sur I'd finally had enough and started slicing and dicing hoping the guys could keep up. It was probably 30 miles south of Big Sur when I finally saw a headlight a long ways behind me so I pulled off and Curt came flying by, but Dan was nowhere in sight. So I jammed on it and caught up with Curt and for a good 30 miles it was "get out of our way, we're coming through." The local day trippers were reasonable about it, and I'm sure we gave the out of state tourists a real heart attack moment or two.  :rotflmao: Nothing like blitzing the central California Coast road where a mistake can result in a launch off a 150 foot cliff... the Dragon's a ride in the park in comparison.

We had lunch in Cambria at an overpriced tourist trap restaurant that attracted a lot of folks with high end cars. The guys didn't say anything about the quality of their selections, but mine, a bowl of New England clam chowder, was an embarrassment. I ate it because I was hungry, but I know restaurants on the Monterey Peninsula that serve better at half the price, not to mention that I've made better.

After lunch we had a short blast over Hwy 46 to Paso Robles where I peeled off to spend the evening with friends, and Dan and Curt headed back to Santa Cruz.

I don't know how Dan and Curt feel, but for me, it was a great ride.
+1 on Jim's end of the story -- great day all the way around.

After dropping off Jim in Paso -- we shot into the hills to check out the water levels at Nacimiento and San Antonio. Road cut right over the dam for Nacimiento, which has more lake front than lake right now. By the time we reached Lockwood, we were sweating bullets and King City was sounding pretty miserable -- so we bailed out and headed back to toward Hwy 1.

Pretty interesting route with a detour around the bridge at Fort Hunter-Liggett and miles of burnt out forest -- including plenty of still smoldering trees. At the end of that was the coast again, then north home.

Probably about 350 miles RT for Curt and I -- and a great way to start the long weekend.

Great to see you out again Jim.

Here's a 5-minute vid. http://youtu.be/9Hhs_FtA12A    Production values are sketchy, but it's a new camera and Jim gave me lots of new ideas for improving the mount -- so next ones will be better.
