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Dead tach


Well, after a year and a half, I'm finally starting to work on the 'ol '86. All the plastics bits are off at the painters, so I'm starting to work on the mechanically side of things. I got her fired up after some cranking (and finally remembering it has a CHOKE), but the tach is not working. Any ideas on how to trouble shoot this? Seems like I recall it was acting flaky before that deer plowed into me a year ago. Maybe it just finally bit the bullet.
A good question deserving of a good response that my limited experience cannot provide. I will reply to the topic though to keep it on top until the guys who really know what they're talking about check in. :) '06 C10 Brett Hatfield AMA# 1019197 COG# 8229 CDA# 0267 <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/brett0769/2739088475/" title="Connie 8-08 by Brett0769, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3245/2739088475_f0196924f5_t.jpg" width="100" height="75" alt="Connie 8-08" /></a>
ya know I have no clue either. This may be the first time I have read of anyone having problems with it. Might have to go direct to the top: Technical Editor: Rich Riczinger email him using the link provided on the "About Cog" link on the front page here. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br