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Death Valley - Starlight Ride Sat. Aug. 15


In the shadow of the Valley of Death
A couple of friends and I will be riding Death Valley around the night of the new moon, Sat. Aug. 15th.  Death Valley is listed as one of the top 3 places for stargazing in the world, due to the lack of light.

Tentative plan and route:

Leave Pahrump around 8PM.
- Shoshone
- Ashford Mill
- Badwater
- Dante's View to look at the stars.
- back to Pahrump around 1AM or so?

Anyone wants in, let me know...
Another possibility is to reverse the order, if people from far away would rather just hit up Dante's View, stargaze, then head home:

- Pahrump to Dante's View.  About 60 miles.  Vegas Valley people would be about 130 miles from home at this point (Bullhead City people would be about 215 miles from home.  ;D) so they could bail if they wished at this point.
- Dante's View to Badwater for those that continue
- Badwater to Shoshone
- Shoshone to Pahrump
New skins and brake pads I'm in. I'm your huckleberry. Following. Luv that ride up to Dantes. Same Same up to panamint. Blow in my ear and I'll follow you anywhere.  ;)
Old Man on a Connie said:
New skins and brake pads I'm in. I'm your huckleberry. Following. Luv that ride up to Dantes. Same Same up to panamint. Blow in my ear and I'll follow you anywhere.  ;)

Sweet.  :motonoises:
Have fun tonight! Looking forward to hearing all about it! Could still be a little warm tonight....may still need a cooling vest!

:motonoises:    :great:
It was great  :great:

It was hot in the valley, still slightly over 100 when we left Pahrump at 9:00.  So we ended up going to Dante's View (cooler at 5000 ft.) and hanging out and watching the stars and Pleiades meteor shower.  It was amazing.  I've never seen so many stars in my life.  And some of the meteors left serious fiery trails that looked like something out of a movie.
Thanks for the run CMan. It was spectacular. Never seen the milky way so up close and personal. It was darker than Hillary Clintons heart out there. It was a long lonely ride home though.  :great: :beerchug: