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Defogging agent for glasses


Hello all.
Does anyone have a good defog agent, commercial or home made, that works well in high humidity?
I currently use a product called "de fogit".  It works fairly well in humidity up to about 50 or 60%.  Higher than that, not so much.
Last weekend I did a 400 mile loop thru our local mountains. 85% humidity and clear skis. Temps ranged from 21 down to 12 deg.  I have a pin lock insert that works extremely well, but if  I was moving
less than 40 mph, my glasses would fog over to the point of condensation drops.
At higher speeds it worked so so.  Obviously i could crack the visor a little, but at 80 or 90 mph and 12 deg......no thanks.    :-\

If anyone as a product that works, I'd really like to hear what you use.

connie_rider said:
80 or 90 mph and 12 deg......"no thanks"!!!

Don't have a solution for you, but gee your tough!!!

Ride safe, Ted

You really wanted to say "crazy"!  It's ok.......You can say it!!    :D :D :D
Ranger Jim said:
There are a number of products used by SCUBA divers. Check with your local dive shop.

Jim.  Thanks.  I dive as well and unfortunately the two products I have tried produced about the same results as De fogit.

Still searching.
One I've used fairly successfully is Cat Crap. Hey, I didn't name it! It was originally marketed for skiing. Works well in high humidity but can't attest to very low temps. Lowest I can recall using it was in the 30's.
I've used Cat Crap defog in my dive mask. It works well. You do have to be SURE that the lens are really clean prior to putting on any defog (but I'm sure you know that, provided for others who may not know but are following this thread).
I ordered some cat crap as it seems to have good reviews.  I hope it works.  I like the idea of a small container of non liquid that's easy to carry on the bike.

Brian.  I forgot about the dish soap trick.  I've never tried it but have heard it works.  I'll try it this weekend just to see. 

SG,  I hadn't even considered Rain-x.  Until recently, there product was not recommended on plastic.  I hear they now have something specifically for it. 

Thanks for all the input guys.  I now have some new options.    Hopefully one of these will work well
:great: :great: