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Does anybody actually use their helmets in New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut?

Cap'n Bob

  I'm going against my best judgement and starting this thread. Since I have a feeling what asking this is going to start. But here goes anyway:

  Does anybody actually use their helmets in New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut?  I was amazed by how many folks truly choose the freedom of not using a helmet when on their bikes. I just spent a week in New Hampshire & Maine. I expected to see a lot of folks without them. But I was really surprised how many didn't use their helmet. I watched many, many motorcycles/ trikes/ spiders riding thought out the week. My guess is many hundreds to a thousand or more. But in my best estimate. Probably 90% of the machines a had seen last week had folks riding without helmets. I truly never expected it to be quite so high.
  The Kangamangus/ Conway area was absolutely insane with almost zero helmets anywhere. But basically wasn't much different anywhere I went. I think the closer you get to bordering states with helmet laws, the more helmets that I did see. But once I crossed out of Mass on the way home into Conn., it was like it again. I just never would have thought the amount of folks not wearing helmets would be so much higher than folks with helmets. I found it very interesting.
  Now I do not judge folks and truly believe that helmet usage should be the individuals choice. And although I'm sure this will probably turn into the usual debate both pro and con as to that right vs what folks feel is stupidity. I just felt compelled to start this thread. More becuase of the extreme off set towards the non helmet crowd over the helmeted folks.
I didn't ride this weekend. But when I do ride, I do use a helmet. I am a firm believer in SOTGSOTT.

But, yes there are a lot of people here in NH who choose to exercise their right to ride sans helmet. I often see sport bike riders sporting shorts and flip flops, for that matter.
I always have mine on, Hardy riders almost never wear them, most real bikers wear them and the gear too. BUT the young lady I saw in Torrington Ct. Monday riding Go-fast yahamaaa had a helmet on and a small 2 piece bathing suit on with Flip Flops. And she was moving on! Don't you love it!
My favorite are the guys who have one hanging off the bike but aren't wearing one; if you've got it, you might as well use it.

A close second is the novelty helmet crowd in mandatory use states. Law says you have to wear a helmet and you pick one that won't do you any good; if you're going to wear one, you might as well wear one that works.
wayne_jenkins_CT said:
most real bikers wear them and the gear too
Sorry Wayne, but Dave did not appreciate your comment. But he did have a message for you. Unfortunately, it was kind of against the rules and I had to make it go away. But trust me, it wasn't flattering.  ::)

thank for protecting my squeaky clean image Bob...
I should have just checked the smiley's first...
:sign0023: :sign0099: 
Yes Bob, I wear my helmet all the time and I live in CT. My son had a bad low side crash and the helmet got trashed, but his head didn't. That's another reason why they are the only way to fly. If you're not wearing it in CT it's your choice, but a bad one in my view. Just look at Gary Busey for a Darwin award. then again, he wasn't too sharp before he hit his head... Wear them. It's all you have to protect you. Dave can rant all he wants. He's not convincing me and I'm not convincing him.
This is a very touchy subject and I'm a firm believer in personal choice ...but Its not all about you consider the other lives you touch ...I met this young lady a few weeks ago and she has a compelling story and how not protecting herself deeply affected her and all the people that care about her .


I'm not preaching I'm just saying consider that your  decisions are like a pebble thrown into a pond .


Hey Gerry, A quick off topic. And I apologize for not asking sooner. But how is your son doing? It was a bad time and I really meant to ask when I saw you. 
G-man... when did I every try to convince you (or anyone else) not to wear a helmet?
I think the only time you actually see me post about the topic is when someone else post some disparaging remark aimed at those who choose not to.
Camper Dave said:
G-man... when did I every try to convince you (or anyone else) not to wear a helmet?
I think the only time you actually see me post about the topic is when someone else post some disparaging remark aimed at those who choose not to.

Yeah get off Daves back!  He's a bit sensitive  :nananana: :nananana: (I suspect he was dropped on his head without a helmet too many times...........  :-\) 

Seemingly unrelated, but she does have a helmet.  :beerchug:
I have a co-worker that is quite pro helmet use.  He always says " I don't care if you wear one or not but sign your donor card if you don't, that way someone else will get use if the parts that are left.  A little coarse as phrases go but not as coarse as the road you will be hitting!  :-X
Same in Kansas.  The yearly ABATE rally was last weekend, and lots of bare mellons (pun intended in reference to craniums and other parts).  Living on a border town, we have bikers from Missouri ride over, stop at the nearest gas station and remove their lids to ride to the party.  On another note, I also noticed that those guys didn't wave to me as often (I was on Yamaha which looks like a road king from a distance, but was wearing my helmet)

go figure!
I always wear a helmet, but I do support peoples choice if they choose not to (as long as they are properly informed of the risk)

Ps,  that was quite a pic,  but...there's a helmet in there?  where? LOL