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Don't let the bikes sit too long...

Gerry B

Mini Bike
That gas turns to sh!t faster than you think. My wifes bike (Ninja 250) and my dirt toy (KLR 250) are both Tango Uniform due to carb crud. Gas smells stale already in about a months time. Not hard to remedy, just time consuming. It's hard to get time to ride em all enough to burn up the gas! Just venting... And now a word from our sponsor: Ralph Spoilsport Motors! Biggest dealer of new used and used new cars this side of Emphysema.
Gerry, I have heard the gas can go bad a fast as a month and it collects moisture from the air fast because of the ethanol. I would drain them and add some Stabl,,but you knew that already,,LOL Thats what you get for riding through Emphysema without a condom on :p CT AAD COG #7011-A 2003 Concours-Mary Ann 1995 Honda Nighthawk 750 wifes
Well if you ride everyday then you won't have to deal with stale gas! AKA "2linby" That's 2-lin-by folks! Northwest Area Director COG #5539 AMA #927779 IBA #15034 Team Oregon MC Instructor http://community.webshots.com/user/2linby http://tinyurl.com/njas8 (IBA BunBurner Gold Trip) http://tinyurl.com/lwelx (Alaska trip)
If you were closer to me, I'd offer to come and ride your bikes for you once a week. In fact, I don't think you'd have difficulty at all finding volunteers for that after the listing of your stable. Street fun plus dirt fun. That's a double fun punch right there in your garage. :) You might consider short trips on the bikes, like getting the newspaper or the mail every day, of course if that were me I'd wonder how I racked up 40 miles on the odometer between the garage and the mailbox... and that trail through the cutout for the high tension lines... oh yeah, that was it. :) Alternately, you could set up a system where you change bikes every time you change underwear. You could even record the bike to ride on the elastic band. You're married so you don't have to worry about some pretty young thing asking why you have 'NINJA' on your underwear in black magic marker. '06 C10 Brett Hatfield AMA# 1019197 COG# 8229 CDA# 0267 <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/brett0769/2739088475/" title="Connie 8-08 by Brett0769, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3245/2739088475_f0196924f5_t.jpg" width="100" height="75" alt="Connie 8-08" /></a>
My heart bleeds fro the man with 3 bikes in his stable... :) -- Steve Smith, #3184 COG Northest Area Director (somewhere in south central CT) If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
OK, I gave the KLR the carb cleaning it deserved. And man it's running like a top! Woo Hoo!... Easiest bike in the world to work on. It was a real be-atch to sync the carb though... Now to use it enough to keep fresh gas in it's tank. Now to work on the Ninja 250. It needs to feel the love too.
THE RALPH SPOILSPORT MANTRA Hiya, friends! Ralph Spoilsport, Ralph Spoilsport Motors - the world's largest new used and used new automobile dealership - Ralph Spoilsport motors - right here in the city of EMPHYSEMA! Let's just look at the extras on this fabulous car! Wire-wheel spoke fenders and two-way sneeze through wind vents, star-studded mud guard, sponge-coated edible steering column, chrome fender dents - and factory air conditioned air from our fully factory-equipped air conditioned factory! It's a beautiful car friends, with doors to match! Birch's Blacklist says this car was stolen but for you friends a complete price: only two-ninety-five hundred dollars in easy monthly payments of twenty dollars a week twice a week and never on Sunday!
I was hoping someone got that bizaar reference... Nice to see it was you Mike. "It takes one to know one."
So tonight I gave the Ninja some TLC... Carb cleaning kinda guy that I have become. Now Ninja girl runs like a top! :eg: I'm getting good at this. That little screamer is easy to work on too. Wooo Hooo! Now to go wind the wizz outa her.