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don't see a classified section...'06 for sale


Big Wheel
I don't see a classified section so here it goes.  I am selling my '06 Concours.  A few upgrades and some spare parts like a set of converti bars.  Drop me a line and I will send you some pics and more info...thanks
Seen the sun?  That's all we see here in south Texas, 6 months without a measurable rainfall.  We should trade places.  I love Washington, at least the Puget Sound area.  I rode a 1984 V 65 Honda Sabre out to Neah Bay and east to Whidby Island then on to Wisconsin and back home.  I'd like to do the same with the Concours but it simply hurts too much to ride....my neck and shoulders hurt like the ****ens.

I'm trying to find a way to change the ergonomics of my '06 Concours.  I rode it about 2 weeks ago and after a mile or so had to turn around and go back home because of what the Dr. thinks is a pinched nerve.  Incredible pain then numbness in my right arm.

I still love to ride my "new" bike have you heard of a way to make it more comfortable?  Otherwise I'll be looking for the classified section too.
Do a forum search on "risers", you should get a lot of information about different handlebar arrangements to make the riding position more comfortable.  If you don't find what you need, post a question in the C10 forum area (you posted in the for sale section).
