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Dragging Back Brakes


Big Wheel
Hi All, On a recent trip to Colorado (see trip report section), my back brakes started dragging. Overnight part delivery to a dealer cost more than the brakes, but was money well spent and kept the tour going. The new brakes are still dragging, but not as bad as the worn brakes. Apparently, the brake cylinders are not retracting properly & the rotor may need to be turned. Do I need to rebuild the rear brake cylinder ? Al
The saddle bag, even when full, is clear of the brake. Note: If I manually push the brake pads open and don't use the rear brakes, they don't drag. Al
My 92 rear brakes were dragging. I found that there was no lube on the slide mechanisms (2). I installed that and the problem went away.
The thin brass shim piece is also known to get damaged or installed wrong and can cause this. Photos[/url]
What type of lube do you use on the pins and where can you get it. C K Roach Jr COG#9094 CDA# 0319 you cant lose what you never had 2005 Concour "Gold Rush" 1983 Suzuki GS750ES - Project 1983 Suzuki GL850 - Sold 1982 Suzuki GS650G - Sold
Hi-temp brake lube. Most auto parts places should carry it. I've usually seen it in small tubes. I used a thin coating of anti-seize because it's what I had on hand. Eddie COG Marketing Asst. Sanford, FL 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753