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dunlop 616


Anyone ever run these? What kind of miles can I look at. Mostly highway. Pa. to Fairbanks Ak till a tire change to come home.  2008 c14
Looks sort of like a dual sport tire (tourance) I used on my GS, but never heard any reviews of this tire. Somebody has to know something....
It is a dual sport tire. It was an original equipment tire on the Buell Ulysses. I'm not saying that's bad. Only that it looks to be primarily a dual sport tire.  But I also do not know of any folks running one on the sport tour. But anything is possible. Maybe someone will pop on here that tried one.
I hope to have enough tire left to run on some gravel before I put new on for ride home. The 616 looked good even if wore on center. 4500 miles give or take to get to Fairbanks.