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EazyRizer Bike Lift for Sale. (SOLD)


I have an EazyRizer Bike Lift and companion Bike Grab (Wheel Chock) for sale. Retail value approximately $1,500. I used it routinely when servicing my C10 and C14 bikes, but this type of lift won't work on my BMW K1600 Bagger, so I have to part with it. This lift is the best lift I've ever owned as it will lift any Sport Bike or larger Sport Tourer completely off the floor and allow both wheels to be removed at the same time. It lifts mechanically so you can suspend a bike off the floor indefinitely, unlike hydraulic systems.
Selling the EazyRizer Lift, Bike Grab and accessories for $550. My location is Dracut Massachusetts. To learn more about the EazyRizer-Red Bike Lift and Bike Grab System, go to:

COG 145
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Hey Kevin,

Man, I'd LOVE to have that bike lift. Would make my life so much easier since I do all the work on my bike myself, and, my bike is all I ride. No cars.

My question is: would you be willing to sell the lift alone, and if so, how much?


Hi Rick. You need the wheel chock to hold the bike upright while you attach the lift. If you don't use the chock you'll need someone to hold the bike up for you.