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Engine Temp?


Training Wheels
My "new to me" Connie runs fine, but the temp gauge rarely gets into the "Normal" arc - it typically sits right at the lower end of normal. Is this normal, or should it run nearer the center of the range? Coolant level is good, so I am wondering if I need to replace the t'stat?
I got about 1500 miles on my new to me 06 C10 and with my experience from other bikes I own or have owned this is normal. The coolant temp will vary if the the bikes environmental temperature rises, or your sitting with it idling but if the coolant temp gets high the fan kicks on.. If it ain't reaching the danger level then you're just fine so with what you've posted your thermostat is doing just fine..
It's completely normal. I have '03 that I've put over 40K on (owned since brand new) it's normal for it to run on the cool side. And during the hot summer months it is normal for it to easily ride up to and maybe just a bit over 1/2 way. You're cool. Enjoy the ride. Aging is scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker!
Thanks guys - appreciate the rapid feedback! Forgot to mention - it is a 2000, I am the second owner (all of two weeks). Love the bike!