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Ethanol & Drain Plug


Just got back from 2 weeks on the road down to NC.  A couple of questions: 1) I thought ethanol was a national mandate but in NC you can get gas without it, some pumps are actually labeled that way????  2) I now know why they moved the crankcase drain plug, pulling over to take a stretch break I caught the edge of the pavement with the under carriage.  Upon inspection I found that I had actually taken a couple of chunks of aluminum out of the tab that protects the drain plug.  Is the crankcase bottom cover a separate piece and if so can a 2010 one be installed?
Thanks and Later,
I went through the midwest recently and nearly all the gas in the corn-belt of Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota was ethanol free. It seems that the corn farmers have figured out a way to mandate it on the rest of the country, but not themselves, all while lining their pocket with subsidy money.

Ethanol is the biggest scam ever pulled on the American public.
Hi Fred,
Thanks for your comments on ethanol, I fully agree.  On the Oil Pan question I did look at my OEM manual and it is a separate part number on the 2010, about a $150 part.  Short money when your on the road.  Will the 2010 oil pan fit the 2008 and 2009?  As always thanks for your help.
Fred_Harmon_TX said:
I went through the midwest recently and nearly all the gas in the corn-belt of Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota was ethanol free. It seems that the corn farmers have figured out a way to mandate it on the rest of the country, but not themselves, all while lining their pocket with subsidy money.

Ethanol is the biggest scam ever pulled on the American public.

Agreed 100%    Makes money for the corn farmers. But drives up corn prices on everything else that consumes corn products. Ethanol brings down fuel mileage in the fuel, so any claimed price savings is offset by lower mileage. Plus is can cause some bad results in our vehicles!  :mad: