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Fairing Screw Diagram


Training Wheels
Is there a diagram somewhere that shows which length screw to use for each fairing screw hole? I recently took my fairing off for the first time and I had one screw left and one open screw hole but the screw was too short for the hole. The left over screw seems really short but it's definitely not broken off. David S 1986 Kawasaki Concours 1973 Honda CB500
The four long screws go on each end of the line of screws, and the six short ones are in the middle of the string. Just don't push the rubber-encased nuts through the holes. edit: Why did I think he was asking about the windscreen screws? :confuse: Later, Charlie COG# 8048 AMA# 603377
Might ask Murph. I think he has a diagram with his screw kits if I am not mistaken which I could be. http://www.murphskits.com/catalog/ ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
David, the shortest ones go inside the the pockets, you might have used the longer screw you need in that area, BTDT :)