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Few posts

Ron Moss

I have noticed the last few days that there is not much traffic on the board. Everyone sell their Concours??
Ron, I've never installed the cruise control - what kind of problems are you having? I know a few guys that have installed them on C10's. I slept in and worked around the house, then rode to a memorial service of a friend's wife who passed away from ovarian cancer. We know them from the local BMW motorcycle club. We rode 50 miles to Kings Bay GA to attend a satellite church service with ksu at 745am and returned home around 1pm. I'll look for your other post as well. David David in Jax COG# 7898 NE FL AAD & COG Vendor www.dreamjobresumes.com preparing resumes for COG members and friends I ride a KAWASAKI ZZR1200 - Euro http://www.motorbikestoday.com/reviews/Articles/ZZR1200.htm US http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/roadtests/2002_kawasaki_zzr1200/index.html
I don't know about the rest of you but I've been ridin, doin yard work and hangin with my grand-daughters.. I'm gonna install a CCS-100 on the C10 this winter and already have one on my V-Strom but I'm going to redo the controls (on the Connie also) and make them easier to reach.. Got 4 of these comin from DigiKey http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=679-1028-ND then putting them in the left switch housing if room is available or a one off control housing with heated jacket/hand grips and CC buttons. Now if you can find these anywhere Apem 9633NAKB or 9633NCDK (or such) let me know as they are sealed at the push button and would work better..