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FL Ride/Dive Report


Friday night had riders coming in from GA,LA,& SC. A cool and breezy night, we had a fire and managed to consume a few adult beverages. Saturday morning had me playing the role of sheep herder, trying to get everybody up and going with their coffee and last minute details. We arrived at Kings Bay in Crystal River at 7:00am, and an hour later, after everybody got into their wet suits and secured all the other equipment, boarded the boat for our 1st trip of the day. The manatee were everywhere, and we had to swim away from the boat practically having to push our way past the beasts. Great encounters with the sea cows, with everyone able to scratch the belly's and backs as they swam all around us. We rode our bikes to Rainbow River in Dunnellon for the second phase of the event. Some did the river with a tank and some snorkeled, but the gin clear water impressed everyone.Back in Inverness, the smoker awaited us for a catered BBQ, where we had 20 people enjoy chicken, pork loin, ribs, potato salad and beans. A very nice night weather wise, even by Florida standards, we had another fire and a bit more adult beverages.Sunday morning we met at where some of the riders were staying for a breakfast buffet, said our good by's, deemed the weekend a success, and agreed to do this again sometime. It was good to meet new COG member Steve Collins from LA, and our ED Ken Ford and wife Marcia graced our BBQ with their presence. It was a full weekend, sometimes hectic, but I had fun doing it. Hope you did also.
Yassuh, nice job Al! Thanx for the fine horspitality for the marauding hordes. 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh OTP 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
It was a great event, Al. Many thanks to you for heading it up and also to your lovely wife for putting up with it all. It was really great meeting and talking with Steve Collins from LA (the state, not the CA city). FWIW, he emailed me that he'd made it home safe (15+ hours strraight, mostly in a driving rain); clearly an IBA contender.
DEAR AL: Sorry this reply is so late but thank you for putting up with us. This was my first COG event and I assure you and your wonderful wife, and everyone attending you made me feel truly at home and welcome. The entire trip home , with the wonderful people and friends still fresh in my memory , made it an easy trip truly memorable even in the driving rain. Thank you for your kind words also Ranger Jim but as your saying goes,