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Flat Tops Trail

I've rode on Gravel Roads with mine. Wasn't a problem, but took some concentration/effort...
You will get some dings in your paint...

The biggest concern is you don't know the condition of the road.
Firm gravel is ok, loose, or rutted gravel is bad... Mud is AWFUL....

Why don't you call the Ranger and ask the condition of the road before going on with your plan?

USFS - Yampa Ranger District
P.O. Box 7, 300 Roselawn
Yampa CO 80483

Ride safe, Ted
That is a possibility...but, we are still a month or more away from the snow melting...I travel for work, so, I will be able to check it out in the cage and make a first hand assessment before attempting it on two wheels... ;)
I did that ride as a fall leaf tour in 2008 on my V-Strom. There was a guy with us on an old Goldwing - he did just fine. But I still don't think I would want to do it on a C-14.


If all the road looks like that,,, Very Do-able!

I went up Pikes peak (when the top half was gravel) with my C-10.
That was much harder than this road looks to be, and it was simple to do...

Ride safe, Ted
I've done quite a few gravel roads, but try to avoid all the dust that gets under the seat and tank etc. Also am wary of damage to my tires by sharp stones but so far no problem. Gets a little tricky sometimes but that's half the fun of it! :)
I hunted elk in that area a few years ago.  I would caution anyone wanting to ride a bike on that road of the gravel.  It is not nice stuff.  Very angular and sharp.  My truck tires showed a lot of damage after 2 weeks in the area.  It is a really nice area! 

As a side note- we stayed at a beautiful cabin right on 8.  http://wildskies.com/  Anyone looking for a nice place (and willing to pay for a nice place) would like this one. 