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for those of us who split lanes....


Of course when I ride in Cali (where its legal) I split lanes.  I know some of you do too. 

Here's how NOT to do it

It would be hard not to kick that guy in the face for doing something like that.  Who opens their door in the middle of traffic?
Two things.  First, I agree - who opens their door like that?  But, second, what MSF trained rider wouldn't predict that would happen and have been a helluva lot more careful than that guy was.  Sheesh, I take chances when I have a high degree of control over a situation... watching that video made my sphincter pucker.
I was expecting worse with how fast he was going.  Lucky not to be killed.  Both parties involved are a$$holes in my opinion.
I found it amazing  ;) that both the rider and the idiot in the car spoke the same language!  California sure is changing!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
7LakesGuy said:
Two things.  First, I agree - who opens their door like that?  But, second, what MSF trained rider wouldn't predict that would happen and have been a helluva lot more careful than that guy was.  Sheesh, I take chances when I have a high degree of control over a situation... watching that video made my sphincter pucker.

I concur.  The rider was definitely being reckless, and depending on others to not do the dumb thing isn't a good idea.
;D  I had that exact thought- what are the odds that both of those guys spoke the same foreign language. :)

Really, I think we need to apply different.... and very different at that, standards when we talk about road safety in Russia. It seems more like those people are playing dog-em's than driving street vehicles. Has anybody seen that video of a Russian intersection of about eight lanes in both direction with traffic cutting across travel lanes.... while the people in the travel lanes are doing about 60 MPH straight through? There is a serious accident about every 45 seconds or so. So those two guys in that video probably forgot the entire thing happened 10 minutes after prying the vehicles apart.


2linby said:
I found it amazing  ;) that both the rider and the idiot in the car spoke the same language!  California sure is changing!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
2linby said:
I found it amazing  ;) that both the rider and the idiot in the car spoke the same language!  California sure is changing!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

:D :D :D

I lanesplit every day in conditions like that and have had a few doors opened on me even though it is ILLEGAL to do so on a UK Motorway.
Lanesplitting is LEGAL here if done sensibly.

However, he was a bit too fast for the conditions as once the cars are stationary they are more dangerous than when doing 5Mph for EXACTLY that reason.
I lanesplit at up to 30-35Mph when traffic is doing 5-30Mph and I watch their front wheels as a car cannot move sideways without turning their wheels.
Once traffic is below 5Mph I slow way down to maybe 10-15Mph and I am covering the brakes and hyper-observant.
Once traffic is above 30Mph I slot in with the flow.

If you've never done it, it can be a real buzz but if you can't cope with the level of observation required (you don't really focus, more like a kind of wire-trigger Zen state) then don't do it.
After about 10 miles I pull in with the traffic and take a break as I am mentally frazzled.
On my commute I am by no means the fastest rider but am fast enough that people who try to lanesplit with sidebags on (and don't get out of my way) irritate me to the point that I start loudly commenting on their Ancestry and Sexual Inclinations.  :rotflmao:
In areas where lane-splitting is legal, isn't there some rule about speed differential? At least in the US, I seem to remember reading something like that.

I have on occasion gotten out of my vehicle in a traffic jam, I remember once a friend and I started throwing snowballs at each other in a jam caused by snow. Pretty soon hundreds of people were throwing snow.

There's no way to know whether this guy opened his door to intentionaly harras the biker, or maybe he wanted to get out to see why traffic was stopped.

Then again... it's Russia, no?
In the mid to late 80's while in California, I did lot's of lane splitting.  Though never 1/2 as fast as the lunatic in the video.  Had plenty of run-ins with folks trying to cut me off.  That's the price you pay for that type of activity.  I tried to never split once traffic was flowing at more than 5 mph.  Once time a jackass in a small pickup truck kept cutting me off (he was leaving lots of room in front of himself so he could maneuver), when he saw me approach, he fully came into my path and partway into the next lane.  An obvious sign he didn't like me splitting.  When traffic finally opened up and I could see far ahead of me, I shot past him as fast as possible and while passing I took my size 10.5 military boot and kicked his side view mirror off.  I'm sure he was totally pissed.  At the moment it was a thrill and I was very proud of myself....after some contemplation, I was embarrassed and realized what a bad idea that was.  The guy was a nuisance and mildly dangerous to me, but I'm sure after that, he was deadly dangerous to the next motorcyclist.  A dumb move on my part for sure.
runnerb0y said:
In the mid to late 80's while in California, I did lot's of lane splitting.  Though never 1/2 as fast as the lunatic in the video.  Had plenty of run-ins with folks trying to cut me off.  That's the price you pay for that type of activity.  I tried to never split once traffic was flowing at more than 5 mph.  Once time a jackass in a small pickup truck kept cutting me off (he was leaving lots of room in front of himself so he could maneuver), when he saw me approach, he fully came into my path and partway into the next lane.  An obvious sign he didn't like me splitting.  When traffic finally opened up and I could see far ahead of me, I shot past him as fast as possible and while passing I took my size 10.5 military boot and kicked his side view mirror off.  I'm sure he was totally pissed.  At the moment it was a thrill and I was very proud of myself....after some contemplation, I was embarrassed and realized what a bad idea that was.  The guy was a nuisance and mildly dangerous to me, but I'm sure after that, he was deadly dangerous to the next motorcyclist.  A dumb move on my part for sure.

What happened in the 80s stays in the 80s. I was less lenient to idiots on the road back then also.
I split lanes daily, it's not as risky as it might seem when done with a degree of caution and (un)common sense. I've found that MANY cage drivers actually encourage me to split by moving over when the traffic is heavy.

Here's what the California DMV says in the section "Motorcycle Handbook Ride Within Your Abilities":


Lane SplittingThe term lane splitting, sometimes known as lane sharing, filtering, or white-lining refers to the process of a motorcyclist riding between lanes of stopped or slower-moving traffic or moving between lanes to the front of traffic stopped at a traffic light.
Lane splitting should not be performed by inexperienced riders. When choosing to lane split, skilled motorcycle riders should consider the following:Traffic flow – Travel at a speed that is no more than 10 mph faster than other traffic; danger increases at higher speed differentials. Lane splitting is not advised when traffic flow is at 30 mph or faster; danger increases as overall speed increases.
  • Traffic lanes – Lane splitting is encouraged to be done between the #1 and #2 lanes; typically, it is safer to lane split in these lanes than between other lanes.
  • Environment – The total environment should be considered, including the width of the lanes, size of surrounding vehicles, the roadway, weather, and lighting conditions.
  • Hazards – Riders should anticipate possible movements by other road users and be alert at all times.
  • NOTE:These general guidelines assume a high level of riding competency and experience and do not guarantee to keep you safe. Every rider has the ultimate responsibility for his or her own decision making and safety. Riders must be conscious of reducing crash risk at all times.
ConcoursKZ said:
runnerb0y said:
In the mid to late 80's while in California, I did lot's of lane splitting.  Though never 1/2 as fast as the lunatic in the video.  Had plenty of run-ins with folks trying to cut me off.  That's the price you pay for that type of activity.  I tried to never split once traffic was flowing at more than 5 mph.  Once time a jackass in a small pickup truck kept cutting me off (he was leaving lots of room in front of himself so he could maneuver), when he saw me approach, he fully came into my path and partway into the next lane.  An obvious sign he didn't like me splitting.  When traffic finally opened up and I could see far ahead of me, I shot past him as fast as possible and while passing I took my size 10.5 military boot and kicked his side view mirror off.  I'm sure he was totally pissed.  At the moment it was a thrill and I was very proud of myself....after some contemplation, I was embarrassed and realized what a bad idea that was.  The guy was a nuisance and mildly dangerous to me, but I'm sure after that, he was deadly dangerous to the next motorcyclist.  A dumb move on my part for sure.

What happened in the 80s stays in the 80s. I was less lenient to idiots on the road back then also.

I grew up with the 80's, and OMG yes please let the events stay in the 80's  :-X    :-X    :-X 
The problem is that even in states where lane splitting is legal, many cagers don't know that. They also don't know that getting out of the car in a traffic jam and/or opening the door is illegal. And it's always illegal to cause an accident no matter what the other person is doing or your opinion on the legality of their riding/driving.
PaulP said:
The problem is that even in states where lane splitting is legal, many cagers don't know that. They also don't know that getting out of the car in a traffic jam and/or opening the door is illegal. And it's always illegal to cause an accident no matter what the other person is doing or your opinion on the legality of their riding/driving.
Totally agree, but whether it's legal or not, when motorcycle meets car, motorcyclist usually looses.

My dumb a$$ brother likes to just start across the street in a cross walk without observing if there are oncoming cars.  When I see him do this, I scream at him for being such a said dumb a$$.  He replies "I'm in the crosswalk, I have the right of way".  I explain to him that right of way means nothing if he's dead or paralyzed.  He continues this behavior to this day.  He's 46.  I'm not sure how he made it this far.  :-[