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Frame size



Anyone have a bare frame laying around? Without ripping another motorcycle apart, I'm looking for overall measurements for Connie's skeleton. Not including the sub-frame or forks, but a 36-24-36 kinda measurement. Why? I'm going to build a powder-coating oven to fit a Concours. Gotta be big enough to put her bones in and if it's big enough to put the frame in, everything else should fit dandy. How does Illusion Amethyst sound. http://millerized.com/pegs I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g
I could be wrong but I think I saw a bare frame in Murphs shop. Might ring him up. It could have been Rev_Rider Chuck also. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
How about making it big enough to fit a Harley F frame? There are a bunch of them lying all over the place, and surely if it's big enough for a Road Glide it's big enough for a Concours. And besides, in between jobs you can make extra money being a "faber-cater" for the Teutle clan at OC Choppers. :) OK, I joke, but seriously, unless Murph does indeed have a frame laying around, it would be real easy to find the dimensions of a Hawg frame.
I have an extra frame down in the shop. It's actually brand new (got it from ConnieParts.com). I can take a tape measure to it if you want. Let me know what dimensions you need. Dan
OA width, height and length, or just if a 3'x3'x6' oven will work. I just haven't gotten into the back yard to measure mine....even though that's where all the sheet metal is laying. That's the size I'm looking at building, but I don't want to short a side and be forced to do mopeds. (I only need it big enough to fit hitches in it, but while I'm making....) No, no HD frames in this garage. I want no part of being an enabler for that crowd, even with the money that could be involved. Besides, I do this as a hobby that is paying for some neat hobby equipment, not as a second job. Although there's a Suzi and HD coming here in a few days to be worked on, I hope not to be doing more than scraping 4yr old gas out of carbs....more money, more equipment but with less drama :p I would rather have my still attached testicles breaded and deep fried in 90w, then fed to 100 hungry rabid squirrels than have anything to do with those Toot-hole folk. All that's missing in that family is a serial killer. Amazing what Americans consider "TV" these days. :( http://millerized.com/pegs I'll be in the garage
COG 6425, CDA 111 a through g
toot-hole I'm reading this at work during lunch and I just shot Diet Coke out my nose. Yes, I've been here long enough that may co-workers no longer wonder about me - they KNOW I am strange.
Just came back to this thread. I'll go out and measure it and report. Also, we'll keep the Toot-hole crowd in check if I can start selling tickets to the deep-fry-a-thon. Act II with the squirrels (extra charge). Dan