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Galfer braided lines_2010 ABS

If you were thinking about purchasing steel-braided brake lines for the front of your '10 C14 ABS I would wait. I purchased a set and they aren't quite right. After a few phone calls to Galfer I've made it work, but I was the guinea pig for this model. If your heart is set on them, call Galfer and see what they can do. They are very aware of what's going on. I told them what it would take to make the kit work and even provided them with pictures. The rear and clutch line work just great. If any one has any questions post them here. :)
You can also order the line and parts from bakerprecision.com and build them yourself with a hacksaw and open end wrenches. MUCH cheaper and you get exactly what you need.
same problem happened to me with my Galfer's order last November, i sent them the pictures and hope they fix it but seems they still dont

I just have to ask, why in anyones mind, would you find the need or desire to replace the brakelines on a brand new machine??? with aftermarket product like galfer?
I can understand it 10 years down the road when the OEM is aged, but it makes no sense to dump $$$ like that for absolutly no improvement.
:-[ :-[ ::) :rotflmao:
I always prefer braided lines over stock on my bikes, less flex/expansion.

When Spiegler eventually comes out with a ready made kit for the C14 I'll get em...  :great:
for my case, adding the Raiser + Phil's Bar Extender = 4" extension, also the feel of braided lines is somehow "sportive" to me
