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Gettin' strapped


Crotch Rocket
A couple years back I needed to replace my colder-weather Fieldsheer riding pants after they did what they were intended for -- they (literally) saved my a55 as I slid down the road at 50 mph. I went to the Chicago IMS show a few months later and replaced them with a pair of Scorpion pants.

There's a lot I like about the Scorpion pants, but I had 1 complaint:  the back of the pants don't come up high enough. Even with my 3/4-length FirstGear Transition 3 jacket, there can be a gap between jacket and pants in the back if I lean too far forward.

The other day I came up with an idea; I picked up a set of inexpensive ****ies elastic, adjustable suspenders. This is the kind with the clip rather than for use with buttons. $11 on Amazon.

They came today and I tried them out. They work exactly as I'd hoped -- they keep the rear of the pants up where they belong. An added benefit is that I can now walk around in the pants with the zipper and front snaps undone. No, I'm not an exhibitionist; these are overpants, afterall. Since these pants are pretty weatherproof, they don't breathe all that well. Opening up the top of the pants when I'm off the bike is a nice way to move some air through them. But when I did this in the past, the pants were loose enough that they'd quickly start drooping down if I walked around at all. With my new 'spenders, that won't be a problem anymore.

There is one downside, however. My wife saw me trying them on and said I've officially become an old man.
Great idea. Yeah, it's kinda funny when you have your over pants unstrapped on one side to get your pocket knife and then forget and open the other side to get your wallet and suddenly other people are seeing your pants falling down. BTDT. 
I use wide (2") suspenders for my winter riding pants.  The waist measurement is too big - and they tend to keep creeping downward as I'm standing or walking.  They work like a charm.  Got them at WalMart if I recall.
Toughest part for me is just remembering the correct order I need to follow when getting prepared to ride.
I commute by bike nearly every day.  We have reached that time of year here in the Denver area where overnight lows are in the 30s and daytime highs in the 80s (was 39 when I left the house this AM @ 0630).  I haven't yet pulled out my winter pants - but it won't be long.  Those and heated liner/gloves keep me comfy down into the teens.
ron203 said:
Great idea. Yeah, it's kinda funny when you have your over pants unstrapped on one side to get your pocket knife and then forget and open the other side to get your wallet and suddenly other people are seeing your pants falling down. BTDT.

I always enjoy the looks I get when I go to a restaurant or store in my riding gear. I walk up to pay and start unbuttoning and unzipping my pants. I had one woman ask me, "WTH are you doing!?" Um...getting my wallet...

BTW, I used the new rigging today on my ride in. Worked perfectly. I walked out to the garage with the buttons and zipper undone and all went well. But I did feel a little bit like a clown

notsluggo said:
I use wide (2") suspenders for my winter riding pants.  The waist measurement is too big - and they tend to keep creeping downward as I'm standing or walking.  They work like a charm.  Got them at WalMart if I recall.
Toughest part for me is just remembering the correct order I need to follow when getting prepared to ride.
I commute by bike nearly every day.  We have reached that time of year here in the Denver area where overnight lows are in the 30s and daytime highs in the 80s (was 39 when I left the house this AM @ 0630).  I haven't yet pulled out my winter pants - but it won't be long.  Those and heated liner/gloves keep me comfy down into the teens.

We have reached that time of the year in Florida were it might go below 70 at night and might not hit 90 during the day (if it's overcast).
I've been using the suspenders for a good week or so and I have to say I'm going to chalk this up as one of my better ideas. I wore the riding pants all day on Sunday for a big local MC event and ended up walking around in my pants for over an hour. In the past, the pants' lack of breathability would have me sweating. But with the side zippers partially opened from the top and the waist not cinched tightly, I was perfectly fine.

A couple of days in I did notice little too much snugness in the, uh, crotchal area, but I dropped the suspenders about 1/2" and all is well.
have  a set of Duluth Trading suspenders on my  firstgear airmesh pants. works well, I lost some weight and the sag was getting to be a problem.. I dont worry about  loosing them anymore.  same thing with my klim badlands pro pants, lost the weight but wasnt willing to spring for another pair, klim makes suspenders to work with their pants, problem solved and ive got a little extra room in them now much more comfortable.