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Given the green light


Big Wheel
I was casually mentioning to the wife that I was kicking around the idea that I wanted to get rid of the Goldwing.
Because the roads here in PA are pretty twisty and the wing is much better suited for the Highway.

She replied, see how much you need to get what you want.   
Jaxxsun said:
I was casually mentioning to the wife that I was kicking around the idea that I wanted to get rid of the Goldwing.
Because the roads here in PA are pretty twisty and the wing is much better suited for the Highway.

She replied, see how much you need to get what you want. 

Does she have a sister????  ;)
2linby said:
Jaxxsun said:
I was casually mentioning to the wife that I was kicking around the idea that I wanted to get rid of the Goldwing.
Because the roads here in PA are pretty twisty and the wing is much better suited for the Highway.

She replied, see how much you need to get what you want. 

Does she have a sister????  ;)

:rotflmao:  :)
Interesting first post on a forum dedicated to the Kawasaki Concours. :)  That said, cool!  Hope you enjoy it!
When I bought the Goldwing, the Connie had not been updated yet.  I had the ST1300 and never liked it. It was gone after a less than a year.  The FJR did NOT call to me.  So I got the wing.  It is a great bike but, I can exceed it's limits  on any given day  :eek: