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Gonna take a stroll on the Dark Side (Caution - HD content to follow)


Had a very cool phone call yesterday. Kamloops Harley Davidson has donated ($0 lease) a couple of scoots to the riding school for instructor use for the season. Entry level 500 and 750 Street. My boss asked if I would like the 750. The intent is that they are out and about as a rolling billboard - they will have riding school logo on them - so I can't just park it in the garage and leave it<g>. He also offered to book appointment at Kelowna shop for obligatory tats and piercings. LOL. Of course, I said hell ya!!! - to the bike, not the tats. Should have it by April in time for my first class of the season. The quintessential company car. All I gotta do is put gas in it. Wouldn't have been my first choice but, Hey - free bike!
I should be able to script a reasonable review for y'all by November.
Nice company car, lol. Any openings there? j/k, but seriously you need to get some other dealers in on the deal, then you could be riding BMW, Triumph, Kawasaki, etc...
Good on your freebie!  Wouldn't be my first choice either but at least you got the 750. ;D

They look like great starter bikes and I'd sooner enjoy the 750 over the 883 from what I've read in reviews.  Coming off a Connie its gonna be a huge change but hey, its a free new bike to ride.  Enjoy it, post a few pics and I'll look for a write up!
WillyP said:
Nice company car, lol. Any openings there? j/k, but seriously you need to get some other dealers in on the deal, then you could be riding BMW, Triumph, Kawasaki, etc...]

Honda actually stepped up last year with the CBR500. Great entry level bike. I'm happy to have something completely different from my normal. who knows? Maybe I'll shave my head, grow a beard and start wearing chaps. Nah, probably not. LOL. Now where's my beanie helmet?
Nanook said:
Should have it by April in time for my first class of the season. The quintessential company car.
All I gotta do is put gas in it. Wouldn't have been my first choice but, Hey - free bike!
I should be able to script a reasonable review for y'all by November.

Nice, nice.  Can't wait, how about
a first thoughts review by time Bun Cooler Rally comes around?
Nice, nice.  Can't wait, how about
a first thoughts review by time Bun Cooler Rally comes around?

Thanks Cecil, I'll see what I can do.
I rarely pass up anything free.  It's rare that a free thing also happens to be new.  Awesome for you!

750 is a nice size in a cruiser v-twin.  I had a Vulcan 750 for a while and it was both fun and enough power to keep it fun.
Sport Rider said:
Glad it was free.  I'd hate to think you spent money on it.  :-X]

LOL, that's cold. All I pay for is gas. Come on up to B.C.. I'll let you take it for a spin. Bring gas money<g>

Another positive for both me and the school - My training base is 35 miles away. In my little town of 3000, I now have a "fleet" bike which I can do local lessons with. I already did one last year and hope to do a few more this season without the hassle of having to transport a student bike to and from training and test site. Everyone wins.